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For the remainder of the day, Dream was quiet, keeping to himself before leaving the room and disappearing as soon as it got dark out. George didn't bother questioning where he was going; the tension between them had been too much to handle, and some space was more than welcome.

George settled into his bed and pulled up a movie on Netflix, a sleepy feeling quickly settling over him. But he forced himself to stay awake, watching the entire movie and even managing to start a second one. He checked the time on his phone as he pressed play, 1:27 am.

Dream still hadn't returned, and George mulled over the idea of sending him a quick text to see what he was up to. But he didn't want to seem needy, so he dropped his phone back down onto the bed and allowed himself to drift of to sleep.


When George woke the following morning, the first thing he did was turn to look at Dream's bed. To his relief, the blonde was there, lying on his stomach with his face turned away from George.

George noticed that he was wearing the same shirt he had on the night before, so he assumed Dream must have been out drinking and just hadn't bothered to change.

He slipped out of his bed, keeping quiet so as not to wake Dream as he made his way over to his dresser. He pulled out a clean outfit and changed, reaching for his phone and sending a quick text to Niki.

George: Hey, are you busy?

Luckily, Niki responded almost immediately.

Niki: Nope! Do you wanna meet for food? I'm starving.

George typed out a quick "yes", his own stomach rumbling with hunger as he grabbed his coat and headed out the door.

He made his way out of the dorm building and across campus quickly, the brisk air stinging his skin and making his eyes water. As he entered the dining hall, he spotted Niki and made his way over, pleased to see that Quackity was also sitting at the table.

"Hey guys," George greeted them as he dropped down into an empty chair. He was pleased to see that the table was already covered in an assortment of breakfast foods; fruits, boxes of cereal, plates of pancakes, bacon, toast and three cups of steaming coffee.

Niki flashed him a welcoming smile before sliding him one of the coffee cups and gesturing to the food while saying, "hey George. Help yourself."

George took a long sip from the cup, relishing the way the hot liquid instantly warmed his body. He reached for an empty plate, piling a couple of pancakes on before sliding it closer to him.

As he focused in on his food, he heard Niki's voice sound out, "oh! George, I forgot to mention. I saw your roommate yesterday!"

George froze, his fork halfway to his mouth as his eyes flickered up to meet Niki's cheerful gaze. She raised an eyebrow questioningly, her head tilting to the side as George asked, "what? You saw Dream? When?"

"Oh I don't know, it was some time during the morning," Niki responded before taking a sip from her own cup of coffee.

George dropped his fork down on his plate, his heart beating wildly in his chest, his thoughts swirling around his head. He heard Quackity shift in his seat beside him, his voice breaking through George's thoughts as he asked, "what's wrong, Jorge? You look like your brain is melting."

George tried to force out a laugh, shaking his head as he mumbled out, "nothing, I'm fine."

Quackity only shrugged, shifting back into a conversation with Niki as George leaned back in his seat, his eyes fixed down on the table in front of him.

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