Another Night Alone

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The evening had come and Emily was sitting in her room, writing at her desk. Her eyes kept glancing over at the clock on the wall—time was moving too slow for her right then. She and Sue had agreed to get together around six o'clock. Sue said she would flash the porch light if she was ready any sooner, so Emily had been looking out her bedroom window quite frequently as well. Emily let her pencil flow to try and pass the time, but she was too busy thinking about Sue; she always was. At one point, Sam was the reason Emily was having a hard time writing any poems, but now it was Sue who had made it hard for her.

'To own a Susan of my own,

Is of itself a Bliss . . .'

Emily tapped her pencil and bit her lip—chin in her hand. Her gaze went back to the Evergreens outside her bedroom window. It was only half past five and Emily hoped so desperately that she would be able to see Sue sooner. They had parted this morning after coming back from downtown. The girls had both been very tired and decided to take some time to rest. Emily would have loved to have Sue over in her bed, like she had many times in the past. But now that Austin and Sue were married—the girls thought it may seem odd to others that they were going to rest together when Sue had her own home to rest in. Emily had considered going over with Sue, but she didn't want to come on too strong and suffocate Sue. When Sue left a couple of years back to go to work and, realistically, escape from Emily and Austin because they were both coming on too strong, Emily was heartbroken. And she truly felt like if she was coming on too strong again, Sue would want nothing to do with her anymore—and that's the last thing Emily wanted.

She was lost in thought when suddenly the flashing of a light outside caught her eye—it was the porch light flickering at the Evergreens; it was Sue telling Emily she could come over. Emily took a deep breath and shut her poetry book before putting it in the draw of her desk. Those words in her book were sacred—she didn't need anyone snooping around for poems that she never had intentions of sharing with anyone besides Sue. She stood up and straightened out her dress. As she did so, she realized that it was the same blue dress she was wearing when Sue confessed that she was in love with her. Flashbacks of that day sent chills down Emily's spine and a smirk on her face.

Emily made her way downstairs and had hoped she wouldn't run into anyone—and she was lucky. She had heard some commotion coming from the other room, but was easily able to sneak out the front door without hardly making a peep. She slowly let the door click after shutting it as to not gain any attention from her family. At this rate, they probably think Emily is shut in her room for the evening since it wasn't uncommon for her to retire early for the night at times.

Emily crossed the dirt road and walked up the front lawn of the Evergreens, nearing toward the front door. She climbed the stairs and composed herself for a moment. She cleared her throat and ran a hand through her long hair, brushing any pieces out of her face. She put her hand up to knock on the door but as she was about to make contact with the door, it opened.

Sue stood there, smiling at Emily. Emily put her hand down to her side and smiled back at Sue.

"Emily." Sue said, motioning her to come inside the house.

Emily nodded and walked inside, "Sue."

Sue closed the door and then turned back around to look at Emily.

"I just finished making dinner. Why don't we go to the dining room and get started?" Sue said, taking a step closer.

"Okay—but, first, I uh..." Emily said, stepping toward Sue. The gap between them was very small now.

"Mm—," Sue started, moving her hand to tuck a piece of Emily's hair behind her ear. "You want to kiss me, don't you?"

Emily nodded, smiling sweetly at the girl in front of her. Sue bit her lip, a smirk on her face, before pressing her lips to Emily's. Her hands instinctively moved to Emily's face while Emily's hands squeezed Sue's waist.

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