Christmas Eve Night

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Another holiday had come and gone—but just as soon as it had left, another one came shortly after. It was already Christmas Eve in Amherst and the Dickinson's were once again throwing a party. They hosted holidays quite often because Mrs. Dickinson loved to have company and host for guests. Maggie always went home for Christmas, so Mrs. Dickinson, Sue, Lavinia, and Emily started to prepare dinner early in the day. It was the same as always—roasted goose, vegetables, bread, mashed potatoes, and a few other things.

Austin was back for a final time before going back to war. He most likely would not be able to come back for a while after this visit and though Emily was sad to see her brother go back to fight, she was relieved to not have to be so sneaky. Since Thanksgiving, things between Sue and Emily continued as usual. They found moments to be alone together while Austin was still around, and it was even easier when he was not. The girls couldn't resist each other and even more so since they had been apart for so long during the Fall and even remained distant for a while after Emily came back. Never again would Emily let that happen.

The ladies worked from morning until mid-afternoon getting dinner ready for the evening. By the time 3:30 rolled around, everything that needed to be in the oven was and the other dishes were staying warm on the stove and by the fireplace. As usual, guests were expected to be there by four o'clock and dinner would start shortly after. It didn't leave much time for the ladies to get ready but they knew how to hustle on a tight schedule.

They made their way to the staircase to head up to each of their bedrooms; Sue brought over the dress she was going to change into and left it in Emily's room, so she followed her to her bedroom. As they arrived, Emily opened the door and gestured for Sue to go in first.

"After you, my love." Emily whispered, smiling at her.

Sue nodded and proceeded into the bedroom, followed by Emily behind her who shut the door. Sue turned around to look at Emily.

"What a long day, huh?" Sue sighed, wiping a bit of sweat that was beaded on her forehead.

Emily nodded in agreement, "I know. I don't know why my mother always insists on hosting. It would be nice to not have to waste a day away to prepare dinner, tire ourselves out and then still have to host and be social. It's a lot!"

Emily was now feeling anxious about it all and Sue could tell. She walked up to her and put her hand on Emily's cheek and brushed her thumb softly.

"Don't get yourself worked up, love." Sue said, trying to help Emily relax. It was working. "Let's get changed, go enjoy ourselves this evening, and then find some time to be alone later."

Emily grabbed Sue's wrist gently and moved her head to kiss the palm of her hand before taking it in hers, interlocking their fingers.

"You always know how to make me feel better, you know that?" Emily said, leaning her head toward Sue's.

Sue smiled and leaned in but leave it to her to tease Emily—she stopped just before her lips, getting closer and then pulling away slightly and then getting closer and pulling away once again.

Emily chuckled and lowered her voice, "Don't wanna kiss me?"

"I always want to kiss you," Sue giggled, leaning in again and pressing her lips against hers.

Emily hummed against Sue's lips before pulling away, "Mmm." Sue pouted and leaned in again but Emily grabbed her chin and stopped her from getting closer. "You know I could do this all day, babe, but we're on a time crunch and have to be downstairs soon. We need to get dressed. Focus on the task now, have fun later."

"You're no fun." Sue said, scrunching her face.

Emily still had Sue's chin in her hand and gave her a light squeeze before letting her go, "You won't be thinking that later."

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