New Year Chats

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New Year's Eve had arrived and Emily had just about had enough with all of these holiday parties her parents were hosting. She knew to expect them to have their usual New Year's Eve party but something in the back of her mind had hoped they would just skip out this year. Mrs. Dickinson loved to please the people of Amherst and would do anything to be the positive talk of the people.

Austin and the rest of the boys returned to fight in the war a couple of days after Christmas, and to say that Emily was both sad but happy about Austin departing was true. She was sad that her brother was putting himself in danger and could get really hurt—or worse. But she was happy that her and Sue could have their alone time they had so been accustomed to.

Emily, Sue and Vinnie had dipped out early of the Christmas Eve party and Mrs. Dickinson noticed—she had a talking to all three of the girls and requested that she told them if they were going to retire early instead of just disappearing. Emily and Lavinia rolled their eyes at their mother, of course, while Sue nodded to show she understood. But the thing is—Emily didn't really feel like partying again this evening. To be quite frank, she was done with all of the partying; she was partied out! She so desperately wanted to stay in her room for the evening and write some beautiful poetry about Sue, but she doesn't think her mother and father would allow it.

'But I'm an adult,' Emily thought. 'I don't have to listen to my parents.'

But she still lived under their roof and as long as she did, she had to at least attempt to please her parents here and there, but she already knew she was going to ditch out early on the party again or maybe just not show up. She hadn't really decided quite yet. What's the worst that her parents would do? Reprimand her? She had heard it many times before. The more and more she thought about said consequences and how bad they actually weren't, the more she was leaning toward not going downstairs this evening.

Emily sat at her small desk in her room and tapped her pencil against the wood as she stared out the window, thinking of her next line she would craft in her poem. The sounds of a soft knock on her door brought her out of her trance looking out the window. She turned in her chair and looked at the door.

"Who is it?" She called out.

"Em, it's me." A familiar voice said from the other side of the door.

Emily smiled, "Well, you know you can come in."

The door opened and Sue appeared, smiling at Emily as she closed her door.

"Hello, my love," Sue said, walking over to Emily sitting down. She leaned down and captured Emily's lips with hers, causing Emily to smile against her lips during the kiss.

They broke away and stared at each other lovingly, "How's my girl?" Emily whispered, brushing her thumb along Sue's bottom lip before Sue stood back up. Emily stayed seated.

Sue walked over to Emily's bed and took a seat on the edge, "Honestly? Tired." She sighed and fell back flat on Emily's bed, closing her eyes as she hit the soft sheets. "I don't know if I can handle another party, Em."

Emily got up from her seat and walked over to her bed and laid on her stomach, propping herself up on her elbows so she could look at Sue, who had her head on the pillow and was flat on her back.

"Me either," Emily said, moving her hand to stroke Sue's cheek as she looked over at Emily.

Sue smiled with her eyes closed and ran her hand over Emily's as she sighed in content. Emily smiled at the sight of how happy she could make Sue.

"Do we have to go?" Sue whined, her eyes still closed as she moved Emily's palm to her mouth and peppered kisses all over them.

Emily smiled again and adjusted so she was now laying on her side. She moved her hand that was being kissed down to Sue's stomach.

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