Don't Say a Word

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"If your dress isn't off in the next thirty seconds, I'm taking it off." Emily said, leaning against the door with her arms crossed, still a serious look on her face.

"Then I'm waiting thirty seconds because I want you to take it off me." Sue shot back, running her hand through her long brown hair to push it out of the way of her shoulders and collarbone. "And I know you want to be the one to take it off for me, too."

Emily gulped as her breathing shallowed. It was shaky and it made her voice abnormally low.

"Come here."


Sue obeyed, as she always did when Emily told her what to do. Most of the time. As she approached Emily, she was quickly pulled in closer by Emily's grasp. Emily didn't wait a single second to take that dress off Sue. She spun her around and quickly unzipped the back of her dress and peeled it off of her and onto the floor. She tugged on the strings of Sue's corset and loosened it before discarding that, too. Sue was only left in her underdress and Emily spun her back around to face her. Sue smirked, licked her lips and looked at Emily with an eyebrow raised.

"I still have clothes on." Sue teased—her top teeth tugging on her bottom lip.

"I know." Emily said, watching her intently.

"And so do you." Sue whispered, putting her hands on Emily's waist.

Emily bit her lip, glancing down at Sue's hands before scanning her eyes up her body until she was looking at her face.

"It'd be a shame if—." Sue started, grabbing clumps of Emily's fabric in her hands before turning her around. Emily's front was pressed against the door now and Sue was working at her zipper. "Your dress came off, too."

Emily glanced over her shoulder at Sue and watched as she pulled her dress down. She licked her lips and tried to turn around but Sue stopped her as she loosened Emily's corset and let it drop to the floor.

"You're the most beautiful person I have ever met." Sue said, turning Emily around to face her before leaning in to kiss her.

Emily reciprocated, smiling against Sue's lips. She loved her and there was no questions about it. Sue had this way about her that made Emily completely head over heels for her. Her arms wrapped around Sue's waist, pulling her in closer as they deepened the kiss. The kiss started out slow and tender, but it quickly became hot and heavy—Sue's arms wrapping around Emily's neck and Emily pulling at Sue's underdress.

"This needs to come off—..." Emily managed to say between their lips parting before smacking together again. ""

Sue pulled away from the kiss and lifted her arms up, allowing for Emily to pull the under dress up and over Sue's head. She carelessly threw it across the room before lifting her arms for Sue who was already working on taking Emily's off of her. Sue got to her knees and pulled Emily's underwear down her legs and Emily kicked them off to the side. Sue licked her lips as she looked at Emily's center and then up to Emily. She was biting her lip, looking down at Sue with her hand tangled in her hair. She nodded at Sue, telling her to proceed with what they both knew she was thinking about. Sue didn't hesitate for a second—she leaned her head in and put her tongue on Emily's hot center. She was already wet and Sue was, too. She glided her tongue up Emily's folds until she reached her clit. She looked up at Emily whose mouth was agape and eyes were fluttering shut. This satisfied her, and she continued—swirling her tongue around Emily's bundle of nerves, causing her to push Sue's head more into her, holding her down.

"Mmm." Emily moaned, tugging at Sue's hair.

Sue looked up at her as she continued to move her tongue. Emily looked down at her and they didn't break eye contact. Watching Sue do what she was doing but also Sue's eyes on her while she was doing it made Emily feel some type of way and neither one of them could look away. Their eyes were dark, both staring at each other still while Sue worked. Emily couldn't stop biting her lip trying to hold back her moans—and the only time they broke eye contact was when Emily couldn't help but close her eyes in pleasure.

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