Spring Has Come

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All of the end of the year holidays have finally dwindled away and the new year was here. It had been here for some time as it was already pushing Spring. The past few months have been fairly the same—Emily and Sue continued their relationship, Austin and the boys were still fighting in the war, and things around Amherst have been, well, rather boring.

And though rather boring around town in recent months, there was never a dull moment when Sue and Emily spent time together. Unfortunately, in recent weeks, the girls have been fighting. Emily was getting all in her head again about Sue not loving her and now Sue was getting in her own head about Emily not loving her. It was a cycle that they have gone through before. Typically, it was Emily the one going through it, but Sue had been paranoid about how Emily feels lately as they've been in a weird rocky state for no real reason at all.

Sue walked amongst the Dickinson grounds, and it was early in the morning. She admired all of the flowers blooming and how warm the air was starting to feel after a long and cold winter. She loved taking walks on the land owned by the Dickinson family as there was so much of it to explore. She would usually go with Emily when they wanted to spend some alone time together and she was missing it in this moment.

As Sue continued walking through the grass and admiring the season change that was ever so apparent, she could see Emily in the distance up ahead of her lying on her back under the tree in the orchard. She almost stopped in her tracks because she was unsure if she wanted to approach Emily with how things have been between them lately. Of course, she knew she wanted to, but she didn't know if Emily would want her to. After contemplating for a moment, Sue continued to walk toward where Emily was until she finally approached her, standing by her feet.

"Hey, you." Sue said softly, looking down at Emily.

Emily turned her gaze up toward Sue as she took her focus off the little flower and its stem she was playing with in her hand. "H—Hi."

"May I join you?" She asked, gesturing her hand next to the empty spot on the ground next to Emily.

Emily nodded, "Of course you can."

Sue felt relieved that she wanted her to stay. She went down to the ground and laid on her stomach, propping herself up on her elbows as she looked at Emily. She was in a daze looking up at the sky through the tree branches and Sue got lost in Emily—she always did. Emily was so observant, and Sue loved that about her—she was all around exciting, which made Sue excited. Emily brought out this whole other person in Sue that no one else ever could.

"How have you been?" Sue finally asked, clearing her throat before continuing. "I mean, we've barely spoken in weeks—it feels like you are avoiding me..."

Emily broke her gaze from the sky and turned her head to look at Sue, "It's because I have been."

Sue was taken aback because she didn't know why she was being avoided. "Well, how come?"

"Jealousy getting the best of me, I guess." Emily said softly, her eyes turning sad.

"Of what?" Sue asked, inching closer to Emily so their bodies were close. "Austin hasn't been home in months. I've been all yours. Even if he was home, I'd be all yours."

Emily bit her lip but didn't say anything—she went back to looking up at the sky through the tree above.

"How can I make you see that?" Sue asked, looking for any reaction in Emily's face but she wasn't looking at Sue—her focus remained above her.

Sue adjusted, putting her weight on one of her elbows while her other hand moved to brush across Emily's stomach. Emily looked down at Sue's hand and then turned her gaze back to Sue, looking at her longingly as Sue continued to brush her fingers along the fabric lying on her stomach.

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