Our New Life

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It pains me to say that this will be the final chapter of After She Said 'I Do' Thank you all SO much for coming along the ride since I started this story this past Summer. I truly enjoyed writing it for you all. I will still be working on How We Met Again until I complete that and continue on with You Don't Love Him. Stick around—I'll be writing Emisue fics even after the show ends. All love, babes!

The girls had finally settled down at Ruth's house in Concord. They had arrived about a month ago with no plans of leaving anytime soon to go back to Amherst. In fact, if it were up to Emily and Sue, they would stay there forever. And Ruth said they could—if she's alive and well, then Emily and Sue could stay as long as needed. Ruth liked having them there and they liked being there. The three of them together tended to the household needs and it was fun to have dinner together every night—chatting about their days and the latest gossip around town. Ruth works for most of the day but they always had that evening time together to just hang out.

Emily and Sue have been able to have the privacy that they had hoped for because of this. Not only did they have their own room, the time they got to spend together alone during the day was really nice—no hiding or lurking about. It was freeing to be able to be together, like, really be together as a couple. Sue and Austin still were married, of course, and they would remain so unfortunately—maybe. If Emily and Sue stay at Ruth's for good, then Sue and Austin splitting up would definitely be on the table since Sue truly only wanted to be with Emily.

Emily had been working on some more pieces to publish and Sue had taken interest in working part-time with Ruth. Even Emily had considered it as well since the opportunity was there if they really wanted it. Ruth said they could work for her anytime and she'd pay them well. They pretty much had it all figured out and this blessing sort of fell into their lap.

Emily sat at her desk in their bedroom; it was much larger than the tiny desk she had at home—this one was close to the size of her father's large oak desk he had in his office at home. There was room for her to have her poems scattered about as well as her ink and quill she used to write. She took out a blank piece of paper and started jotting down a poem she had brewing in her brain.

I hide myself within my flower,
The wearing on your breast,
You, unsuspecting, wear me too—
And angels know the rest.

I hide myself within my flower,
That, fading from your vase,
You, unsuspecting, feel for me
Almost a loneliness.

Emily tapped her pen for a moment after writing down the words on paper and then put it down gently next to the freshly written poem. She leaned back in her chair and ran her fingers through her hair, sighing as her brain continued to think a thousand words a minute. Sometimes she just wanted to turn it all off—have a relaxing moment, but her brain was constantly working and thinking about what she would write next. It never ended; and when it felt like it was on a pause, it was because she had Sue to distract her from that being her only focus when she was alone.

Speaking of Sue, she walked into the bedroom with a few towels draped over her arm. She shut the door behind her and brought the towels over to the bed—lying them on the bed before picking up one of them to start folding.

"Sue!" Emily said, smiling at her. "How has your morning been, my love?"

Sue finished folding the first towel and placed it on the bed . She walked toward Emily sitting at her desk and leaned down, giving Emily a tender kiss before looking at her.

"It's been good." She said, moving her hand to the back of Emily's neck, lightly scratching against her skin. Sue could tell Emily had been tense. "Got some of the household duties already done for the day, so there will be less to do later."

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