"I can't lose you"

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.....................200? Seriously?
Thank you guys so much, we know it's not much but it means that some of you are enjoying the story.
At least until chapter 8 happened so, yay.
So here's chapter 9 enjoy or cry or whatever.




Adrien woke up that morning more tired than ever. Sleep hasn't dawned on him ever since hawkmoth's erratic attacks started, and so with each passing day he was getting more and more stressed which meant less and less sleep. He wouldn't show it in front of Ladybug, but truth is, he's really barely holding it together.

He shook his head to brush all those thoughts away and proceeded to get ready for breakfast.
Once downstairs, he wasn't met with anybody. His food was laid on the table but no sign of Nathalie, the gorilla, or even his father, which while it wasn't that unusual, he expected to at least find Nathalie to give him his schedule.

He just ate in silence, the loneliness bearable with the sounds of silverware clicking.
Once he finished, he headed to the door to leave for school. However he was intercepted by none other than Nathalie and his father, the latter of which had a very stern look on his face.
Oh boy.

This is gonna be a long day.

"Adrien you will not be going to school today."

This is gonna be a REALLY long day.

"Is it for one of your photoshoots? Perhaps an ad you want me to star in?" Adrien mocked.

"You will be staying at home, you can fight all you want but you shall not leave this house." Gabriel announced sternly.

"Too bad that's not what I planned today. I. Will. Go"

"Stop with this nonsense."


"Did it ever occur to you that what I am doing is with your best interest in mind?" Gabriel's voice almost cracked at that, revealing an underlying hint of... sadness?

"I thought it was to make my life an insufferable hell."

"You ungrateful spoiled brat."


"ENOUGH WITH THIS." Gabriel lost his composure, before sighing and recollecting himself. "should you dare to leave this house you may very well consider this to be your last day of school. And I hope that even you can see that skipping a day is better than missing out on a whole year."

Adrien did not reply to that, which was his sign of accepting defeat. Not that he had any chance at winning, he knew that, so it is with great frustration that he accepts his verdict.
"Nathalie will escort you to the basement, it should have all your necessities for the day, your bodyguard will be there. You may, under no condition, leave unless Nathalie or I tell you to do so."

"BASEMENT?!" Adrien questioned incredulously.


"You've gone and done it this time father. Next time let's try a dungeon." Adrien said as he followed Nathalie.

To say he was confused was an understatement, because once all that anger and range dissipated, Adrien was left wondering WHY A BASEMENT.

Normally, he would be sent to his room, but a basement seemed outrageous. Especially since, once he took a look around, was sound proof from the outside and had enough supplies to last a week even.

Was his father trying to isolate him?
In any case, noting he can do about now.

He just sat there on a couch (because yes, it had a couch, it's not one of those horror movie basements the man is rich ok?) and scrolled down his phone to just kill time since he had plenty.
After around 30 minutes, he receives an akuma alert.

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