"For your sake and hers"

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yeah so uh, hey there.


The hiatus has gone on for long enough. We are here to serve ;)




The adrenaline was coursing through his veins as he followed wherever his feet were taking him. The feeling was almost addictive.

Almost, but not quite.

Because unlike other moonlit runs, this one was missing one vital element.

Perhaps it was a deep part of his soul alerting him of the sorrowful realization he kept pushing aside in his mind.

The realization that for the first time while wearing the Chat Noir suit, he felt like Adrien.

The helpless, weak, trapped Adrien.

The confused, angry, overwhelmed Adrien.

The lonely Adrien.

But perhaps Chat too was lonely, except the darkness of the night always seemed to mask that fact.

But tonight the full moon appears to have outshone that darkness.

Sighing, he willed his feet to stop and took in his surroundings. He found himself on the roof of a tall building so he sat on the edge and took a look at the world beneath him.

The view from a place so high up was heart-wrenching, and a memory of Paris from not even 6 months ago flashed before his eyes. The drastic change made him gag until his stomach eventually emptied itself.

The chaos, the destruction, the ever present hint of fear lingering wherever you set foot in this city, the city he swore to protect.

It was all his father's fault.

But it would also mean that he himself was at fault too for being so blind.

His body ached from all the running and begged for him to return to his house and rest but his consciousness would not allow it and instead informed him of one last place to visit.

He feared the moment he would need to come back here but he knew I wasn't befitting of them, he just needed to give them closure in some way.

He marched with trembling feet into what was now a piece of land full of nothingness.

And the lingering scent of burning flesh with hints of cookies.

But maybe that was his mind playing tricks on him.

Gone was the bakery he would occasionally visit after school.

Gone was the building he spent countless hours laughing in.

Gone were the people who taught him what it felt like to be home.

Only the memories remained, and an agonizing feeling of guilt.

A lump formed in his throat and he was barely able to utter a weak and broken "forgive me" before he collapsed on his feet and started sobbing.

Time was irrelevant and after hour-long minutes, or maybe minute-long minutes, he finally got back on his feet and decided there was one last place he needed to visit.

He made it to her balcony by sunrise, but instead of going in and seeking comfort in her kisses and cuddles he didn't find the nerve to go inside.

It wasn't because he thought she was asleep as the ever growing dark circles under her eyes and the faint sound coming from inside spoke of her insomnia, but rather it was that he felt unworthy of meeting her when he carries the blood of he who took everything from her.

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