Be My Eyes (Phaming)

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Another Person's POV

"Kit you can't do that to him. He needs your support and love now." Phana tried to make kit understand that what he's doing is totally wrong. Kit looks at Phana and sighed.

"Pha I know but I can't neglect my dreams and my career to just take care of him. I love him but I'm a medical student. I don't have time to take care of him 24/7 and I'm not going to break up with him." Kit reply.

"P'Pha you can't ignore that P'Kit has his own life to and we can hire a care taker for Ming. Who can be with him all the time. You both are having exams next week. You should study and concentrate." Wayo said.

Phana just looked at them in disbelief. He stood up from his chair and start walking to parking area. He drive to Ming's dorm. He doesn't understand that why they think that Ming need a care taker. Ming need someone who he can trust and stay beside him.

He reach Ming's dorm and knock the door but no one open. He get scared what if something happen to Ming. He checked and find door wasn't lock from inside. He opens the door and hear someone crying voice. He went to the person in corner holding his knees. He drop his bag on floor and come closer him.

"Ming !" Phana kneel down in front of him.

"Who are you ?" Ming asked in fear.

Phana can't hold his tears seeing his Nong being so vulnerable. The person who's eyes always shine from happiness and cheer everyone mood become like this just because of one accident.

"Ming this is me Phana your senior." Phana said while holding Ming's hand. Ming clutch Phana's hand tightly. Phana come more closer to him and embrace him gently.

"I..wakeup... in.. morningand.. tried... tocome..down...from bedbut.. fall down." Ming said while stuttering.

"Did you hurt somewhere Nong ?" Phana asked in a soft tone. Ming nods and hide his face more in Phana's chest.

"Okay don't worry Nong. I'm here for you." Phana tried to assure Ming.

"Did P'Kit sent you here P'Pha ?" Ming asked. Phana couldn't dare to answer him that his boyfriend denied to take care of him. Ming stop sobbing but didn't break hug.

"I'm not dumb phi. I know P'Kit is stressed because of his exams and after my condition he's not getting time to live his life more freely. I don't want to tie him with a person like me. I decide to break up with him. He doesn't need to be cage in this relationship." Ming said.

Phana can't say anything. He knows that Kit have his own reason but Phana's heart is not ready to leave Ming alone like this.

Last month there's accident happened in lab of Engineering faculty and Ming was there. He tried to help the other students but one machine blast in front of Ming's eyes. When we take him hospital doctor clearly state that Ming lost his eyesight.

He can't see anymore and there's very less chance of him regain his eyesight back. He had to live his life being a blind person. Ming was in coma for 1 week. After 3 week he get discharge from hospital.

It's just two days and Kit gave up on Ming but there's something inside Phana's mind who's saying him to not leave him alone. Phana rubs Ming's back gently and hold his soft hands.

"Ming what you like to eat now for breakfast ?" Phana asked. He tried to change the topic. Ming understand Phana's effort and replied.

"I want to eat sandwich P'Pha." Ming said. Phana smile which Ming can't see. He ruffle Ming's hair and make him sit on bed carefully. He place his head on head board. He take out his phone and asked Ming.

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