Him And I (LeeKim)

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Another Person's POV

Jongsuk walked out of the car with his ten-day-old baby. He holds her very gently. She looked at him and said.

"It looks like she likes her Appa more than me...jongsuk.."

She chuckled. Jongsuk shook his head and said teasingly.

"Well, you were the one to tell me to carry her with me so she could stop crying. Can't blame her Appa...?!"

She scoffed. He gives her a short smile and starts walking toward the flower shop. He looked around for her favorite flowers and smiled when he finally found them.

"One bouquet of orchids please..."

He told the florist. She made the bouquet for him. He paid her and as he turned around she was smiling at him one second and the next second.....


He just stood there frozen holding his baby. She started crying in his arms. He couldn't move and fall to his knees. He screamed as loud as he can. Florist rushed to him and took the baby in her arms.

He rushed to the car which is crushed badly. His whole body was shivering. He got near the car and search for her.

Her broken wrist got into his hand. He held it to his chest. She left him alone with their little girl.

"Don't leave me...please....nnn...may...."

Jongsuk woke up from that same nightmare again. He was drenched in his sweat. Is there any way for him to forget all those horrible memories?

He sighed and stood up from the bed. He got fresh first before walking down to the kitchen. He drinks some water and started making coffee for himself when someone coughs behind him.

"How many times should I tell you, Appa, that coffee isn't good for health...."

Iseul said as he turned around. He was going to explain himself to his thirteen-year-old daughter when she looked at him and asked.

"When will you start taking care of yourself.....? It's been thirteen years Appa. She left us..... I don't want you to leave me too....I-- Ahhh..."


Jongsuk rushed to her. He panicked when she looked so much in pain. He carried her into his arms and without thinking drove to the hospital.


She called her name. He pats her head while mumbling words. He couldn't let her hurt...

"Iseul...ahhh. We are near the hospital. You'll be fine...."

He quickly parked the car and move out of the car while holding her close in his arms. He called for the doctor and they quickly laid her down on the bed. They checked her vitals and conditions.

"Did she have any complications during birth...?"

Doctor asked him. He shook his head but then he remembered...

"She got a very high temperature when she was only 10 days old. She couldn't survive."

Doctors glanced at Iseul and then at him. He nodded his head and told the nurse to shift her into the ward. Jongsuk hold the doctor's wrist and asked...

"She isn't in danger...right??"

The doctor took off his mask and looked at Jongsuk. His eyes were searching for something in him.

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