Dandelion (Phaming)

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Another Person's POV

Phana packed his bag and laptop before walking out of his office. He finally ended his shift. He's freaking tired after his double shift. After three months he'll be a heart surgeon how he always wants to be.

His heart was always filled with happiness whenever he thought about how far he come. It wasn't easy after his break-up with Wayo. He gave so much effort into the relationship that after becoming alone it was hard to get time for himself.

He felt happy now but sometimes is kinda lonely when he came back home. His relationship was toxic with no doubt.

Phana sighs from tiredness and lack of sleep. He walked out to the lobby.


He turned around to see his best friend standing over there. Phana passed a genuine smile to Beam.

"Is there anything you want to say, Beam?"

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"Is there anything you want to say, Beam?"

Phana asked him. It's not usual for Beam to stop Phana while departing back to his home.

"Umm... Sorry to stop you at this time, Phana but there's a person who's admitted to our hospital."


"Someone we all know very well. I thought you also want to meet him after so long."

Beam said which makes Phana frown. No one likes to see there known in the hospital. He saw how Beam's face was clouded with worry.

"Don't play riddles, Beam just say clearly."

Phana said coldly. He hates this feeling. Is that person Wayo or Kit, but it can't be Kit otherwise Beam would be more panicked and if it's Wayo then Beam won't make effort to tell him? It isn't Forth either because he's in the U.S with his husband.

"Mingkwan Daichapanya."

Phana's felt his throat get a dry hearing that name after that day. All those memories rushed back to his mind like they never disappeared from his heart. Those black shiny eyes and bright smile.

Phana felt his heart drown back to that guilt and feeling of longing for that junior who was never his from the beginning.

Ming holds Phana's hands gently and tried to bandage them with care. He came into Phana and Wayo's apartment which they move into in Phana's third year.

Wayo told Ming to drop Phana's gift back to him. Like every time they both got into a fight and Ming needs to behave as a communicator between the couple.


Phana winced. Ming looked at him concerned and blow the wound gently. Phana's heart skip a beat when he saw how Ming's lips curled up. They look beautiful and all of sudden he wonders how would they feel against his.

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