t h e p i c n i c

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Hello! It's been awhile hasn't it? I can't believe how my story has taken off and touched a lot of you. The support and comments you give mean the world to me.

This is coming out even later than I wanted. Thank you all for 50k reads! And to all the love after that too. It means a lot to me that you all continue to love my story. To celebrate I have a fluffy treat for you all. I hope you enjoy 😊

to touch with lips as a sign of love

Todd laughed as Neil dragged him around the school. Neil's hand was warm and calloused, larger than his own.

Encompassing. Todd thought. Just like Neil.

Todd's heart beat faster at the mischievous grin Neil threw him over his shoulder.

"What's gotten into you?"

Neil's grin grew wider. It did not reassure Todd.

"Nothing at all. Why?"

"Because you're about to rip my arm off that's why!" Todd exclaimed with laughter. He made a feeble attempt to pull his own hand free of Neil's grasp.

Neil gripped onto Todd's hand tighter.

"Oh don't be such a baby. You're fine. Besides, I got something planned."

Todd narrowed his eyes at his brunette companion.

"Uh oh. Should I be worried?"

Neil scoffed and through an offended look over his shoulder.

"Worried? You're in perfect hands."

"I don't know about that," Todd teased. He couldn't resist smiling at Neil's affronted look at his words.

Neil suddenly stopped causing Todd to run straight into his back. Neil turned so fast, Todd didn't have time to back up. His mouth felt suddenly dry at how close their faces were. He couldn't even pay attention to the words Neil were saying.

"Now if you don't want the surprise I heard Charlie was looking for some poor sap to rope into whatever scheme he has planned next. I think he said something about stealing something fun from Mr. Nolan's liquor cabinet."

Todd shook his head furiously. "No way. I don't have a death wish."

"What? You don't want to play the distraction?"

Todd smiled. "More like lookout/scapegoat/distraction."

"How is that different from what I said?"

Todd rolled his eyes. "Never mind that. What's the surprise?"

Neil continued to drag him all the way outside. Todd followed him, half of him curious and excited, while the other half was anxious. What did Neil have planned? Todd's eyes darted around the grassy hills as they walked towards the lake. No one was close by. The water was still too cold to swim in as spring was just beginning.

They walked to a more secluded side of the lake shore. Neil turned and was grinning widely once more. His eyes were bright and warm with excitement. Neil's hands rested proudly on his hips as he gestured behind him.

"Well? Take a look!"

Todd crept forward. He peaked over Neil's shoulder and almost didn't believe what he saw. A fraying, worn blanket was sprawled out onto the ground. Todd recognized it as one of the nurses blankets in the infirmary. On top of the blanket laid a basket with wrapped sandwiches and two coco-colas. Todd's eyes nearly popped out of his skull when he saw the sodas. The students had few opportunities to go into town during school months. Teachers were the only ones with cars and money to really get anything other than what was provided by the school.

"How in the world did you get all this?"

Neil flopped down onto the blanket and grinned up at Todd. He looked so happy. Todd wanted to remember him like this. The way his body relaxed against the ground. His blushing face and wide grin. Neil was a flame. A bright, warm light against a dark canvas.

Naturally, Todd was drawn to him like a moth. He sat down beside him.

"Well..." Neil drew out the word in a smug, arrogant tone. "Charlie and his schemes provide a good distraction. I simply took advantage of an empty teacher's lounge."

Todd laughed. "You're horrible. Poor Charlie."

Neil waved a hand in dismissal. "Nah, he'll be fine. It's Charlie."

"I can't argue with that."

Todd reached into the basket, but before he could snag a sandwich, Neil's fingers brushed against his own. Todd's breath stuttered as Neil stroked the back of his hand before entwining their fingers together. He glanced up at Todd. Now shy and hesitant. Completely different than he was a second ago.

"Can we try something?"

Todd's tongue darted out to wet his lips. "Try what?"

The possibilities both excited and terrified him. Blood roared in his ears as he watched Neil. Instead of answering, Neil sat up straight. His brown eyes met Todd's blue ones. He looked determined and vulnerable. His hands trembled as they came up to cup Todd's cheeks. Todd couldn't help but gasp as the sensation. Once again he was helpless drawn into Neil's soft flame.

His heart quickened as Neil leaned forward. Todd's eyes fluttered shut as their lips nearly touched. He let out a frustrated whine when Neil had stopped moving. He was so close. Todd could feel the warmth and weight of Neil and felt drunk off of him. Everything he was screamed for Neil.

"Can I kiss you?" Neil asked. His voice was small and timid.

Todd was struck speechless then by the realization that Neil thought he would push him away. The thought was absurd. Could Neil not see how hopelessly lost Todd was to everything but him? He would follow Neil to the ends of the earth and back. Never once would be look back if only he got to see Neil smile.

Todd closed the gap between them. His arms came up to wrap around Neil's back. He did not hesitate to bring Neil closer. Todd fell back on his elbow, bringing Neil with him. He turned his head and deepened the kiss.

Todd was burning. Like the moth destroyed by that flame, he would burn alive happily. The only thing on his mind was Neil. Neil. Neil. Neil. Repeated over and over again in his mind.

The kiss was over too soon. They pulled away from one another. Neil was smiling widely. Todd smiled back in response. They laughed and touched foreheads as they just stared at one another. Both were not eager to end such an intimate moment between them.

"We better eat before anyone notices were gone," Neil said reluctantly.

Todd smiled because Neil still did not pull away from him. Todd laughed and turned his head to look into the basket. He noticed that the wrapped sandwiches had names written on them. Todd squinted to try to get a closer look at the letters.

Todd laughed in disbelief as he picked up one sandwich that read Norman Nolan.

"You didn't!" Todd exclaimed, still laughing.

Neil grinned in response. "I did."

"But doesn't he love tuna fish sandwiches?"

"As do I! So gimme." 

Todd scrunched up his nose in disgust as Neil took a hearty bite of the sandwich.

"Good luck kissing me after you've eaten that monstrosity."

Before Todd could react, Neil had pounced onto him. His hands threaded themselves into Todd's hair as he pulled him closer. Todd laughed and squirmed as Neil showered his face in kisses. He did not try to push Neil away.

"Get off of me!"

Their laughter echoed around the lake, as warm and carefree as they both felt in each others arms.

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