t w e n t y - t h r e e

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an overwhelming urge to run away

Todd's POV
"Are you sure you're okay?" Todd asked for the millionth time.

    Neil rolled his eyes as he rubbed his gloved hands together. "Yes mother, I am."

    Todd smiled and playfully shoved Neil. Neil joined in and soon it ended in a chase up the street towards Henley Hall. Last night Neil came back from Mr. Keating's office calmer. Neil kissed Todd in thanks and said how he was feeling much better. Todd believed Neil was telling the truth from the way his brown eyes held something stronger in them. Neil had come to a decision to stand up to his father to make him see that acting made him happy. Todd couldn't have been prouder of him or more worried. If Neil's father didn't come around, he had no clue how Neil would react.

    Neil held a side door open for Todd and he couldn't help but tease him by saying, "Thank you, Prince Neil."

    "Anything for you Lord Todd."

    Todd laughed happily as the warm air of the theatre helped unfreeze his bones. Todd found it cute how Neil was so close to his sister Violet. He wished he could share the same stories about Jeffery, except there were none to tell. Hearing Neil laughing with him caused Todd to snap out of his brooding. This was about Neil. His happiness. Todd would give anything to keep this radiant smile on Neil's face as he explained everything to him about the play and the theatre.

    "You know we actually made the set and costumes?" Neil commented as they passed a paper mache of a donkey's head.

    "Really? Did you make your own costume?"

    "I did! Do you want to see it?"

    Neil had barely given Todd enough time to nod before he was dragging him to his dressing room. It was a cramped room shared with three other of the main stars and it was separated from the rest of the world but a pink sheet. Just as Todd stepped into the room, Neil was pushing him out.

    "Hey, I thought you actually wanted me to see your costume."

    "I want it to be a surprise! Now wait out here and no peeking!" Neil demanded sternly before dropping the curtain.

    Todd stood outside the room waiting for his friend. He started to chuckle when he held a small bang and a quiet "ow" come from the other side. Todd imagined Neil fell over while trying to get his costume on.

    "Are you gonna make me wait all night?" Todd called out when Neil hadn't surfaced for a few minutes.

    "Just cool your jets. I didn't think you'd start to miss me this fast."

    Todd opened his mouth to retort when a small, dirty-blonde haired girl girl interrupted him.

    "Excuse me, who are you? And what are you doing here?"

    "It's alright Meredith," Neil said, sounding distracted. Todd wondered exactly what he was putting on. "He's a friend."

    "Oh," Meredith said, a small blush colored her cheeks as she held out a hand and said, "Meredith Griggs."

    "Todd Anderson."

    "So you're Todd! It's nice to finally meet you. You know Neil never shuts up about you? He's always talking about how smart you are and the beautiful poetry you write. I'd say he's your number one fan."

    Todd flushed heavily as Neil called out in a strained voice, "You know I can still hear you right?"

    Meredith giggled and leaned closer to Todd.

"Does he ever talk about me?" Meredith whispered as he glanced nervously at the pink sheet from the corner of her eye, obviously worried about Neil hearing her.


"Neil...does he ever talk about me? Because I've never seen someone with such natural talent before. And he's so nice too! He never brags about being Puck or complains about helping backstage like Franklin does. You know--"

"No, I don't think Neil has ever mentioned you...ever," Todd bit out, feeling defensive over Neil from the starstruck tone Meredith spoke with.

Todd hated the guilt that crashed into him from the way Meredith's face crumbled. Trying to save her some heartache, Todd began to babble.

"You know I study a lot and sometimes Neil is talking to me than about the play so I usually tune him out to focus. Maybe he mentioned you then?"

Meredith perked up slightly before she got called away by someone else. Todd let out a small breath of relief as he watched the other blonde leave. He didn't mean to lash out but he didn't like the idea of her having a crush on Neil. Not that Todd could blame her as he had been in her same shoes months ago.

"Close your eyes!" Neil demanded joyously.

"You're not serious."


Todd laughed and covered his eyes with his hands. He heard the rustling of the sheet before Neil said, "Okay, open your eyes now."

There Neil stood in a dark green turtleneck and black tights. A crown made of twigs and berries sat on top of his head and it looked like Neil decided to make his hands out of the same material. He looked amazing.

"You look amazing."

"You really think so?" Neil asked brightly as he posed.

Todd laughed. "Yes. You're going to be the best Puck there ever was."

Neil's smile almost split his face as he leaned down to kiss Todd but stopped himself just in time as they could be seen at any moment. Todd shrugged sadly as he wished they didn't have to worry about being together in such a public place.

"We should run away together."

Todd shot Neil a perplexed look. "Leave? But your play--"

"I don't mean tonight. I mean after we graduate. Hell, even tomorrow! We can go anywhere! New York, Los Angeles! Just think of it!"

"Neil, you're not serious are you?"

"Of course I am! Why shouldn't I be?" Neil began to raise his voice and Todd shushed him.

"People might hear you!"

"And this is why we should leave! Together where no one will bother us. I can act and you can write your poetry. That's all we really need isn't it?"

Todd felt his heart clench tightly at Neil's words. He had imagined the same thing for them. Running away together. Just the two of them running away and never looking back. As tempting as the thought was, he couldn't get ahead of himself. It was too precious of a dream to be shattered before they could properly plan it out.

"One day at a time," Todd said as he grasped Neil's hands tightly. "We have to take it one day at a time."

Neil nodded reluctantly in agreement. "One day at a time."

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