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"There is only one passion, passion for happiness." -Denis Diderot

Neil's POV
Neil wringed his hands together, his chest tightened, and he felt incredibly nervous. Today he was auditioning for A Midsummer Night's Dream. The theatre towered dauntingly over him. Neil was half-ready to bolt right then.

I can do this. I can do this. He repeated the phrase over and over but it gave no comfort.

The warm air of the theatre came billowing out as he opened the door. Quietly, he took off his coat, ignoring the people around him. Neil was feeling uncharacteristically shy. He didn't want to look at anyone for he feared he might vomit all of them. Then he definitely wouldn't get the part. Neil took a seat on an empty bench, his leg bouncing up and down. A nervous habit that he inherited from his father. He glanced around the theatre's lobby and the voices of everyone melting into one giant buzz. There was people practicing lines, goofing about with friends, and even some looking as anxious as him. Neil himself was going over all of Puck's line in his head. That was the part he desperately wanted. However, he was suddenly interrupted by three other guys.

"Hello," he said curtly, not wishing to start any conversation with the three.

Nor do I want any trouble, he thought as the three glared down at him. The leader of the group stood tall with large, black eyes that made Neil think of him as some kind humanoid frog.

"I'm Franklin," the bug-eyed one said, holding out a hand for Neil to shake. Neil reluctantly shook Franklin's hand and winced internally as his own were soaked by his sweaty palms.


The group lapsed into silence.

"Well, who you trying out for?"


The three of them laughed, the condescending sound like nails on a chalkboard. Obviously they thought Neil wasn't fit for the role. Neil locked his jaw, but didn't retaliate, hoping that they'd go away. They didn't leave. In fact Franklin slide right next to him on the bench.

"What other works have you done?"

"None," Neil bit out between clenched teeth. "This is my first."

Franklin and his lackeys snickerd. The sound caused Neil to curl his fist into a ball as all he could think about was decking the three of them.

"Well where do you go to school? I don't recognize you?"


"Oh, I get it now," Franklin said with a mocking tone. "You thought you could buy the part. You Welton guys have no respect for anything."

Neil sneered at Franklin, liquid fury flowing through his veins, bringing an angry blush to his face. "Listen here you big brute--"

"Is there a problem here?" A new voice sounded.

Neil turned to see a mousy looking girl with dirty blonde hair standing with her hands over her hips. Franklin scowled at the girl, his thin lips pulling over crooked, yellowing teeth.

"Get bent Muffy!"

The girl turned pink at the name causing Neil to assume it must have been an insult.

"Come off it Franklin. Leave the Welton guy alone."

"It's not my fault he's a stuck up rich kid. He was bragging all about how he would be Lysander because his daddy would tip--"

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