n i n e

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butterflies in stomach

Todd's POV
The study hall was alive with mirth. Charlie was currently trying to put forth some impossible scheme of his again.

"Okay so what about this," Charlie said and began talking about this elaborate plan to bring girls into Welton.

"Nah, you're looney!" Pitts yelled out.

"Shut up Pitts!"

The others laughed, and Todd sported an amused smile as he watched Charlie. Charlie decided it was time for Welton to get with the times. To be progressive! It wasn't fair that our female counterparts weren't getting the same education rights as them. Todd laughed openly at that statement. He would admit Charlie could be quite persuasive if he wasn't such an ass about everything as well. Charlie smiled over and Todd and sauntered over. Todd knew this wouldn't be good if the mischievous expression on Charlie's face had anything to say about it.

"Whaddya you think Kiddo?" Charlie asked, leaning down closer to the blonde boy.

Todd stared almost fearfully up at Charlie. "About what?"

"About my plan of course! Don't you think girls should be allowed the same education rights as us? That they should be allowed to go to Welton?"

"I guess so."

"You guess so!" Charlie circled Todd until he was standing directly behind him and bent down to speak into his ear. "I can see it now. And it's beautiful Kiddo! A coed school...perhaps even a coed dorm."

Some of the others wolf-whistled and cheered while Todd sat frozen with mortification, the tips of his ears turning red. That'd be horrible! He could barely speak to a girl. Why would he want to room with one of them? Charlie smirked at Todd's obvious uncomfortableness.

"Nah, you wouldn't like that would you Todd?" Charlie lowered his voice so he was whispering into Todd's ear. "I'd say you wouldn't to leave Neil."

Todd jerked away from Charlie, his heart threatening to jump out of his chest. What possessed Charlie to say a thing like that? He couldn't know about his feelings for Neil...could he? Now that he thought about it, Todd knew Charlie saw more than what people gave him credit for. Perhaps he did see something. How that frightened Todd to think that someone knew about his freakishness. But Charlie didn't seem bothered by it if he suspected something. He had even been the one to help mend their friendship. Perhaps....

Todd was pulled out of his musing by the sound of a throat clearing. He looked up to see Neil standing to the right of the table, staring at the two with a closed off expression on his face.

"What are you two whispering about?"

Charlie continued to grin widely. "Nothing you need to worry about Perry."

Neil narrowed his eyes at Todd who could only flush even more and stutter out a weak excuse. Neil sat across from Todd, his eyes boring questioningly into Todd's. Todd gulped loudly and tried to regain himself.

"Oh you know how Charlie is. Just another one of his stupid ideas."

Neil smiled at Todd but it held no warmth. It reminded Todd that Neil's brightness was still missing. He only caught glimpses of the glow of Neil when they were alone now. It brought back all of Todd's guilt because he knew he was to blame for the most part.

"You sure you're okay Todd?" Neil asked, concern coloring his voice.

Todd flashed a small, fake grin and said, "I'm okay Neil."

Neil nodded and pulled out some of his homework, however Todd noted how Neil would glance up at Todd every once in awhile. Todd refused to meet his eyes.

The table now was shaking slightly. Todd peaked under to see Neil's leg bouncing furiously up and down, it practically blurred. Todd peaked back up at Neil and bit his lip with worry. Neil only did that when he was extremely anxious about something. Todd saw Neil's fingers twitch, as well as the corners of his mouth, and realized Neil was holding something back. He look ready to burst. With what Todd had no idea.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

The table stopped shaking. Neil barely looked up.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"
From his aloof tone, Todd knew immediately something was wrong.

"Why don't we go back to the room? It's a little loud in here. We'll have an easier time studying away from those bozos," Todd suggested while gesturing to the others who were playing poker. Knox was currently shouting at Pitts, accusing him of cheating.

Neil looked back and forth between the group and Todd, a small smile forming on his face. A real one. Todd couldn't help but smile back as they packed up their stuff and left the study hall.

Although now Neil walked with a little more pep to his step, Todd still felt a little worried about his friend. Neil was upset about something and Todd didn't want all their progress to go right down the drain.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Neil turned his face towards Todd. His brown eyes sparkling.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

They continued to walk in a comfortable silence. The only disturbances Todd felt were when Neil's hand would brush up against his. Todd's mind reeled every time. Was Neil doing on purpose or was he grasping for straws? Whatever the reason, the action happened more than once. His face was as red as a tomato once they had finally reached the room. As Todd pretended he was tired and got into bed, he felt Neil's eyes on him and wondered what he was thinking. He wondered if Neil had any idea what he did to him. How he tortured him.

No, Todd thought solemnly. He probably doesn't.

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