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"Be curious, not judgmental." -Walt Witman

Neil's POV
It was hard to concentrate when Todd was pressed so closely up against him. Neil gave Todd a lopsided smirk as he 'accidentally' brushed his hand down the side of his leg. Todd jumped slightly and glared at Neil. Neil smiled warmly as he saw Todd turn red but was pulled away when the others began to question where Charlie was.

"I haven't seen him since math," Pitts said while leaning forward on his knees.

"Wait, where's Knox!"

Neil frowned. "Now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't seen either them."

Cameron stood, wiggling his fingers nervously. "Co-ould I start? I haven't gotten to yet."

"I don't see why not," Neil commented.

Cameron took a deep breath before opening his mouth and saying, "'To live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. To put rout all that was not life.'"

He was cut off by the sound of laughter. Female laughter. Todd and Neil shared a puzzled look before turning to the mouth of the cave.

"Oh my god!" Cameron gapped as the female voices grew louder.

Neil noted there were male voices mixed in as well.

"Is this it?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

"Yeah, this is it. Go ahead, go on in. You too Cindy. This is my cave. Watch your step," Charlie's voice echoed throughout the cave.

Todd turned towards Neil and mouth bewilderedly, "His cave?"

However, that comment was not what had Neil steaming. Cindy? Why the hell would Charlie bring Cindy? Neil could have died happy if he never had to see her face again, but alas here they were. The first girl to enter the cave had Meeks stuttering, and as he attempted to greet her, Meeks hit his head on the top of the cave. Neil rolled his eyes and watched heavy with disdain as Cindy entered the cave. His lips curled into a sneer as he watched her face brighten noticeable as she saw Todd. Neil twitched as he saw Todd's ears turn red.

"Todd! I'm so happy to see you again," She chirped and clung onto Todd.

Neil heard Charlie chuckling. Neil gave him the evil eye and fought the urge to sock Cindy in her nose.

"So you guys this is Cindy and Tina. This, my two lovely ladies, is the pledge class of the Dead Poets Society."

Tina giggled and waved as the others stumbled over themselves to make room for her. Cindy had tried to wedge herself between him and Todd, but Neil fused himself to the blonde's side and narrowed his eyes dangerously at her. Cindy turned up her nose before taking a seat next to Tina across from Todd.

"Charlie, what is this?" Neil hissed, barely hiding his fury.

Charlie rolled his eyes and flicked his hand to the side, as if he was brushing off Neil's anger. "It's not Charlie anymore. Hey guys, I have an announcement to make. In keeping with the spirit of passionate experimentation of the Dead Poets, I'm giving up the name Charlie Dalton. From now on, call me Nuwanda."

"Nuwanda?" The girls laughed as the other groaned.

"Nuwanda?" Pitts started laughing. "Not this again."

"Yes this again! Charlie Dalton is no more!"

Neil shook his head amused. Todd had mentioned Charlie wanting to change his name but he never thought it'd be this ridiculous. Charlie reached out and grabbed something from Tina's hands. Charlie drew a red line on both of his cheeks and the others began to laugh once again. Neil did not join in their laughter. He was too distracted by the way Cindy kept nudging her foot against Todd's. Todd tensed every time she did so and would flash a strained smile. Neil felt his ire rise as he knew Todd was too nice to say anything to her about it.

"Todd, how've you been?" She asked.

Before Todd could answer, Neil interrupted. Then the next time she tried to talk to Todd, Neil interrupted again. Every time Todd would glance at him thankfully. Cindy, however, was not amused. She gave her best evil eye at Neil and tried again.

"So what do you--"

"Hey Todd, what do you think of--"

Neil was cut off by a sharp smack to the chest. He shot Todd a confused look, but Todd ignored him.

"What were you trying to say Cindy?"

Cindy smiled shyly and asked, "Well I was wondering if you'd want to go out sometime?"

Neil froze. The others teased Todd, but Neil couldn't stand it. He felt his heart drop out of his stomach as he rose to leave the cave. He stalked out of the cave and hated himself for how tears threatened to spill. Why did Todd stop him? What had changed? Did...did Todd want to spend time with Cindy? The questions swirled around his brain. Images of Cindy and Todd together tortured him.

"Yo Perry!" Charlie called out.

"What do you want?" Neil growled, not turning back to look at the boy.

"Hey Neil!" Charlie gripped tight onto Neil's elbow and pulled him back. "Don't be so quick to assume things."

"What's that supposed mean?"

"I mean I didn't bring Cindy here to mess with you. Yeah, it's funny to watch you squirm, but she actually does want to be Todd's friend. That's why I brought her. Our kiddo needs to learn how to talk to people. People who aren't going to judge him. Cindy's the perfect candidate for a new person he can make friends with."

"But he has friends here," Neil mumbled stubbornly as he kicked the ground with his foot.

"And I hate to break it to you, but Todd needs this. A female he can be friends with. Trust me, it'll be handy in the future."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

Charlie hit Neil upside his head. "I mean people will assume things between them, which will make it easier on the two of ya."

Neil choked on air. Charlie knew! How?! Could he have seen them kissing?

"Calm down Perry. All I'm saying is you're not the only one who cares about Todd. This road is gonna be hard. Don't make it any tougher than it has to be."

Neil gaped stupidly at Charlie. Words couldn't describe the astonishment he felt. Never in a million years did he expect such wisdom to come from his mouth. Usually it was just nonsense!

"But how do you know we can trust Cindy not to rat us out?"

"You know, she and I ran together for a little while, but don't you think she and Tina make a much better pair?"

Realization dawned on Neil, making his jaw drop even further.

"Thanks Charlie," Neil managed to gasp out, reeling from the new information.

"It's Nuwanda," Charlie said while grinning.

"Neil!" Todd yelled out, running up behind Charlie. "Wha--"

"No problem kiddo! See ya later," Charlie grinned and winked at Todd.

The two stared after Charlie as he strutted back towards the cave. Then Todd turned and stared worriedly up at Neil. He bit his lips as he nervously spit out,

"I didn't mean to make you mad! Honestly, Cindy is just a friend and--"

"I know. I should be the one apologizing. I've been acting like a real jerk. I shouldn't have tried to muck up your friendship with her."

"I think Cindy should be the one you're telling that to."

Neil nodded and complied with what his blonde was saying. Todd was right. He needed to apologize to Cindy.

Hesitantly, Neil reached out and took Todd's hand. He smiled when Todd squeezed back. He was lucky that Todd was so forgiving. Anyone else probably would have left him by now.

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