Chapter 34

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Aelin was slowly warming up to the idea that life was unpredictable. Over the last few weeks, life's unpredictability had royally bit her in her royal ass. If she were really being honest with herself, life's unpredictability hadn't started working in her favor yet. But it was getting there. Sure, she was about to walk into a witch's coven without any fraction of a clue about what was going to transpire. She was emotionally burnt out to the point where using her magic would be a really, really bad idea. But was Rowan was with her. He had magic. Lots of it. And despite all the crazy shit that had gone on since she left home, he was the one constant that hadn't failed her yet.

She thought about how much had changed between them within the last few hours. Just when she thought he was going to fail her, he showed up. She had a feeling that he would keep proving her wrong about things, and she really hoped he would. She could use a bit more hope. More than the comfort his presence provided, more than fire that flooded her veins whenever he was around, he made her feel hopeful. He made her feel as though she could handle anything that came her way.

"Was kissing you all I had to do to get you to shut up this whole time," he asked.

"I hate you." He laughed, and Aelin wondered how the hell she had known him so for long without hearing it. Well, she hadn't known him for that long really. Even though she felt like she did. "I'm trying to be quiet so as not to give away our location. Do you want any Fae sentries in the area to come see what we're up to?"

He groaned. "Please don't remind me about what we're up to. I'm fighting all of my instincts to throw you over my shoulder and run back to the castle right now."

"You didn't have to come."

"In any case, I'm using my magic to shield our presence right now. If I wasn't, they would have found us a long time ago, just as easily as I picked you out in these woods."

"That's different."

"How so?"

"Because your practically obsessed with me."

He shook his head... but didn't deny it.

"Do you even know where we're headed?" he asked.

"No," she admitted, "But I'm pretty sure that it's in this general direction."

They had been walking in said general direction for about twenty minutes and she still hadn't caught up to Asterin. She should have been worried, but she wasn't. Even in the dark, in the middle of the woods, even with fearsome creatures no doubt lurking nearby, she didn't feel afraid. For the first time in a long time she felt like she was actually doing something for herself. She was going to find answers and then she was going to set the world back on track.

"Actually," a voice purred from behind them, "you're here."

Aelin slammed to a halt, suddenly coming to full alert. Rowan went rigid beside her, pressing in close. Back to back, they turned around trying to find the source of the voice.

"You were supposed to come alone," the voice went on. Aelin knew that voice. It belonged to the witch who had taken her when she was at Mistward. From the death glare in Rowan's eyes, she knew that he remembered her scent.

"Actually, I was supposed to come with Asterin. Since I can't seem to find her I thought I'd bring a replacement. Speaking of whom," Aelin said, taking a swaggering step closer towards the voice, "You wouldn't have happened to seen her, would you?"

One blink, the witch was nowhere in sight. In the next, she was standing one foot in front of Aelin. Rowan immediately threw up a wall of hard air between them.

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