Chapter 15

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All Aelin wanted was some sleep.

Instead, from the moment she was back, all she had gotten was a series of lectures. Aedion's had lasted all of that night and into the next morning. Surprisingly, even Elide had felt compelled to give her one. Aelin felt as if she was about to pop her last nerve by the time Elide had finished up and was replaced by Lorcan and Fenrys, who began a proper interrogation.

What part of it wasn't her fault did any of them not understand? She would take responsibility for her little escape scheme in Rifthold, but this was truly beyond her. As much as she had come to like Lysandra, it should be her sitting where Aelin was, with everyone else lording over her. In fact, it should be Rowan sitting where she was, being lectured for creating the misunderstanding that led to all of this in the first place. Sadly, she had actually tried that hot take already, only to have it thrown in her face. If you had never ditched the group to go Rifthold, Rowan wouldn't have had to do what he did. That one had come from Elide. Ouch.

Aelin was beginning to feel like she had never left Terrasen to begin with. Call her crazy, but she was actually starting to miss the Sea Dragon. Rather, she was missing the anonymity she had there. She was just Aelin—no, she was Celaena. Liberated from her title—though not totally. Ansel had known who she was.

The things Ansel had said...

"Pay attention!" Lorcan snapped.

Aelin clenched her jaw in frustration. There was no way in hell Ansel would have put up with this high and mighty questioning. Ansel was just the daughter of the lord, yet the way she acted was straight up regal. Aelin was the daughter of the King of Terrasen. She was by definition regal. Maybe Lorcan needed a reminder of that. Aelin squared her shoulders and sat up straight.

"We'll continue this at another time," she said, loudly and confidently. With that, she stood up.

"Sit down," Lorcan barked at her, "We're not finished here."

"Oh yes, we are. I have been up all night listening to the whole lot of you talk down at me." She took a moment to look everyone in the eye. "I am sick of it. I will not be talked down to by any of you. I understand that you all mean well and are concerned about my safety. For that I am deeply grateful. But I have explained everything that you have wanted to know several times now and I do not care to repeat myself further.

Now if you'll excuse me," she said, opening the door, "I am going to rest. We may revisit this conversation at a later point."

Aelin slammed the door shut, leaning back against it. A smile tugged at her lips. Man, she kicked ass just now. With that, Aelin sauntered towards her quarters and promptly fell asleep upon hitting the bed.


Rowan was perched on the ship's hull in his hawk form, still contemplating leaving. He knew that he should but... Aelin had such a habit of getting into trouble. What if he hadn't been there yesterday? Deep down, he knew that she could take care of herself. That much was obvious from the account she had given Lorcan and Fenrys. And yes, she did have both Lorcan and Fenrys with her still. Even so, he would feel much better about her safety if he was there with her.

Rowan was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn't even notice that Lorcan had slinked on over next to him until the demi-Fae warrior had begun speaking.

"What a sorry sight you've become Whitethorn." Rowan didn't even bother to shift and respond to Lorcan. It was true. "I'm ordering you to leave. We both know you have to."

This time, Rowan did bother to shift.

"That's what I've been trying to do this whole time," Rowan replied.

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