Chapter 19

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Aelin didn't even realize she had drifted asleep until Rowan had nudged her awake.

"Aelin," he said, "We should be good to go."

"Huh?" she replied dazedly, slowly coming to her senses. 

"That thing is nowhere near us. Coast should be clear to get back to Mistward."

"How can you be sure?" she asked. She needed to make sure they were safe after all. It had nothing to do with how comfortable she was with him holding her like he was. Nothing at all. 

"Lorcan sent another signal. Seems like he took care of it." 

"And what was it anyway?"

"I can't be sure. There are many vile things that prowl the Fae forests. When we get back and debrief with Lorcan, he'll be able to tell us."

He eased off of her and stepped out of the tree trunk. If Aelin was hyperaware of his presence before, she became even more hyperaware of the lack of it. 

"So how'd you find me anyway?"

"The first time Lorcan flared his power, we knew there was some sort of emergency. Fenrys and I were at Mistward and we followed it. He picked up on Elide's scent and went after her. Then, I eventually came across yours and did the same." 

He had begun stretching as he explained it, prompting Aelin to do the same. As not completely uncomfortable as his embrace had been, her limbs were indeed stiff from standing all night. 

"We keep meeting like this," she said, intending to strike up some amusing banter. 

"With me about to save your skin?" he asked.

Well, he wasn't wrong. And Aelin had been prepared to thank him for coming to her rescue. She really had been, but then he sent her an infuriatingly arrogant smirk. The type that oozed male satisfaction. Just like that, she became irritated and any gratitude she had planned on giving him dried up on her tongue. 

"No, with you inserting yourself into a situation that I had completely under control," Aelin replied bitterly. It was a stupid thing to say and she knew it, but what she didn't know was how in the underworld he was able to get under her skin like that. She also didn't know which direction Mistward was in, but she started walking anyway.

"You'd call that "under control"?" he said disbelievingly, "It was pure luck that I found you before that thing did. Had I not, you wouldn't be alive enough to be having this conversation right now." He let out an exasperated sigh. "We're headed south-east, by the way." 

Without saying a word, Aelin re-directed her path, with Rowan trailing after her. She continued to ignore him but he went on, "Speaking of you being alive right now, why do people think you're dead?"

"Ansel and I have an understanding. That's all you need to know."

He sped up, falling into step beside her. "Given that I am the one primarily responsible for your safety, I do need to know, actually." 

"If you're primarily responsible for my safety then why'd you leave?"

She regretted the question as soon as it left her mouth. She didn't need Rowan thinking that she cared about him jumping ship with Fenrys. Because she didn't care. 

Rowan didn't reply to her. In fact, they both stayed quiet, silently stewing the entire 10 mile hike to Mistward. 


Fenrys pitied Rowan. He really did. 

Dramatic rescues had to be the number one way of winning females over, but the poor bastard somehow managed to fuck it up. Aelin and Rowan arrived at Mistward several hours after Lorcan had killed Deadly Ugly Species 3 or whatever its actual name was. He knew it was bad of him to forsake the Old Language but at this point it was beyond antiquated, used only for traditional ceremonies—and sometimes tattooing. Lorcan had made quick work of it though. Now Lorcan wasn't exactly Fenrys' favorite person, but he grudgingly admired the Commander. 

Fenrys had found Lady Elide relatively easily—and thank the gods for it. The Lady had been limping away at a much too slow pace. However, Fenrys was rather impressed that she had somehow also managed to fashion a crude hammer out of wood and stone whilst making her escape. How effective that would have been in the event that the creature had found her, Fenrys couldn't say, but he knew better than to underestimate the sharp mind that she clearly housed in that cute little head of hers. 

That thought made Fenrys glance at Lorcan. Fenrys had been hurtling towards Mistward, with Elide clutching onto his hide as she rode on top of him, when Lorcan had frantically come out of nowhere. Fenrys skidded to a halt as Lorcan hauled Elide off of him and began scrutinizing her injuries. 

One quick trip to Terrasen had turned out to be rather profitable for both Rowan and Lorcan, it seemed. The realization had Fenrys practically dripping with amusement. 

"The hell are you grinning about?" Lorcan asked him, between bites of roast chicken. 

"Grub's good," was all Fenrys said in response. 

At present, the five of them were in a suite at Mistward, using a regular study table as a makeshift dining one. Though they had arrived after dinner service, the chef, Emrys, had managed to scrounge up a small feast for them. The assortment of fruit, cheese, roasted meat, broth and bread could barely fit on the table, some of the dishes balancing precariously on the edge of it. As a result, they had no choice but to hold their plates on their laps as they dug into the food. 

"Are you ready to fill us in?" Rowan asked, looking pointedly at Aelin. 

Lorcan narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Oh, he was about to be furious when he found out what Aelin had been up to. 

Thankfully, Aelin had the good sense to look a little worried, at least. "Can it not wait until after supper?" she asked, annoyedly. 

Man, Rowan must have really ticked her off. 

"What can wait until after supper?" Lorcan asked. 

"Might as well get it over with," Elide told her. 

Fenrys stopped eating and leaned back in his chair. "Lysandra spared pretty much all the details," he said, "The suspense has been killing me." 

Aelin sighed. Everyone dropped their eating utensils and sat up, waiting. 

"Fine," she at last relented, "But at least wait til after I finish the story before trying to bite my head off."

**Short chapter, I know! Doing my best. 

Next chapter will be a flashback scene of Ansel meeting Aelin and I'm really excited for schemes to be revealed! This is the point where the story really gets going and I'm really looking forward to writing it. 

Thanks for reading!**

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