Chapter 13

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Could she really trust Ansel?

That was the question that Aelin was mulling over as she and Evangeline dined with the rowdy crew. That, and wondering where the hell Lysandra was. If she didn't have confidence in her new friend, she might have just assumed that she had shifted into a crab and had accidentally ended up in their dinner—which was a sorry enough affair without Aelin having to worry about whether or not somehow was currently chowing down on Lysandra. 

The ship didn't exactly have a dining hall. When it was dinner time, everyone lined up to grab whatever form of gruel the cook had prepared, then marched back to the main deck to eat, drink and gamble removable body parts well into the balmy night. Aelin watched in disdain as Evangeline partook in the seafood whatever that had been served that night. They sat with Trev on cargo crates, balancing their dishes on top of their laps. Aelin had simply opted for some bread and was absent-mindedly munching away when Rolfe came to sit beside her. 

"You and Ansel had quite a chat," he said casually. 

Did they ever, but there was no way in hell she was sharing the details of that conversation with him. "It was so-so," she said, "I don't think that I'll be walking the plank anytime soon so at least there's that." 

"Indeed." He took a swig from his mug which reeked of sour ale. "I wouldn't trust her if I were you," he continued. 


"She says you don't have to walk the plank, but for all you know you could not wake up at all. She might give you a kiss and send you off to bed, then you'd find yourself sleeping with the fishes. Permanently."

"Are you speaking from experience, Captain?"

"I'm not at liberty to say, I imagine."

"For someone who doesn't trust her, you sure are good at following her orders." 

Rolfe tensed at that. "You know nothing about it," he seethed, "No idea about what she has on me." Aelin didn't doubt it. Rolfe chugged the rest of his beer, an attempt to collect himself it seemed. "Look," he continued, "we can help each other—"

A clatter interrupted him. 

"Damned rat!" Trev shouted as Evangeline hastily scooped up the small rodent. 

"It's mine!" Evangeline yelped hastily. "She's a pet. I lost her when you picked us up."

Trev wrinkled his nose in distaste. "That's not a very clean pet to keep, little lady."

"No offense Trev, but you lot aren't the cleanest bunch either," Aelin said cooly. 

"Touché," Trev said, lifting his mug in Aelin's direction. 

"I'm done eating," Evangeline said quickly, "Could you put me to bed, Celaena?" 

Ansel had arranged for them to get a hammock back down in the holding cell. Aelin took Evangeline's hand and led her down that way, but not to the cell. On her way down, Aelin found an empty storeroom that she pulled the girl into. It was tiny, damp and stocked with barrels of what smelt like alcohol. Lysandra likely wasn't the only rodent in that room. As soon as Aelin had shut the door behind them, Lysandra shifted. Evangeline bounded across the space and into her arms. They embraced each other tightly and Lysandra dropped a kiss onto the girl's head.

"We're leaving," Lysandra said to them both, "Now." 


"We can't," Aelin replied, "Or at least, I can't. Take Evangeline and leave. I'll catch up."

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