Chapter 2

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**Hello, hello! So if you've made it to this chapter then a huge THANK YOU for giving this fic a shot! If you're a Rowaelin shipper, stay tuned! I want to set up this story as best as I can so bear with me—Rowan will enter the story by chapter 4, I promise.**

Aelin stood in the garden the next day, worried and deeply suspicious. When her parents had unexpectedly presented the opportunity to go to Doranelle last night, it was all Aelin could do but not jump at the opportunity. She and Elide had celebrated by dancing all night. The pair had a million questions for the royals and the Fae whom they were introduced to last night but they had all disappeared shortly after their conversation. Dorian too had gone missing, no doubt having had tempted some new girl into his bed. 

Though she thoroughly enjoyed last night, having had one too many glasses of wine and completely glutting herself on sweets, Aelin woke up anxious. It had been too easy. 

Her whole life her parents had been dead set on keeping her cooped up in Terrasen and now suddenly there were willing to ship her off to a foreign continent with a group of Fae she had met for the first time yesterday. Considering how over-protective her parents had been all her life, them sending her away could only mean one thing. If Aelin was right about that, she wasn't sure if she was going to leave Terrasen after all. 

Fleetfoot had brought back her toy ball to Aelin, who mechanically threw it back to the far end of the garden. She was too lost in her thoughts to notice Dorian when he came to stand beside her. 

"Do you remember how little she was when I gave her to you for your birthday?" he asked casually.

"Amazing how much she grew in just a year."

"Will you be taking her with you to Doranelle?"

"I'm not sure if I'm going anymore."

Dorian remained silent as Fleetfoot returned. He took the ball out of her mouth and chucked it away. 

"If you're not going to say anything you might as well have just confirmed my worst fears, Dorian."

Dorian took a deep breath. 

"I followed them last night. Your parent's entourage. Shapeshifted into a mouse and tried to glean what I could about this situation. They went into your father's private study and the Fae put impenetrable shields around it. I didn't want to risk detection." 

"And here I thought you were off with some new plaything," she remarked, huffing. "So do you have any information to offer me at all?"

"Only this. That whatever this trip to Doranelle is, it's not a vacation—"

"It's a last resort protection protocol," she finished. 

He only nodded in confirmation. She knew it. But protecting her from what? If Terrasen needed protecting, she wasn't going to run away like a coward while her people fought. She was going to fight right beside them. She may not have much magical prowess to offer them, not the way Dorian did. But she could more than hold a sword and she was willing to go down swinging for her country if need be. 

It was time to confront her parents. 

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