Chapter 40

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The old fucks were really starting to irritate Aelin. "Seers" her ass. She was willing to bet a lot of gold that they were making their so-called psychic powers up and using it as leverage to to get whatever it is they wanted. The longer they debated with Rowan over assets he was willing to barter for his request, the more patience she was losing. The worst part of it all was that she felt like she was missing something. Property, gold, hierlooms... Why did were they needling him about those things specifically? It seemed an arbitrary gain for Fae who were supposedly so concerned with otherworldly matters.

The negotiation unnerved her for another reason too. Rowan was willing to give up a lot for her, it seemed. Even though he was wealthy and it probably didn't really matter that much to him, it seemed significant to her. It was overwhelming to think that the depth of her feelings for him were returned. At the same time, it was reassuring to discover once again that this was more than a crush. It just seemed so unbelievable to her. 

As a Princess, she observed all the court marriages. Only a few wedded partners actually grew to love each other. Her parents were like that. Despite their arrangement, an admirable love blossomed. Her Uncle was the luckiest of them all, finding his mate. The rest were rough though. Aedion's parents once fell in love but they never married. Elide's parents' arrangement  had turned into a disastrous marriage despite each parent doting on her independently of each other. Most royal marriages were tolerable and drab and in her mind, that's what hers would be. She would marry because such was her duty. She'd have crushes and lovers. That was the way things were. It was an expectation that she had long expected. 

When she first met Rowan, that's what she hoped for. An exciting affair with a handsome Prince. Expect she had fallen hard and fast and apparently, so had he. She wondered what it meant. It felt like more than falling in love. She had fallen for Chaol once but those feelings were nothing compared to this. It was different. It was more grounding and something about it felt permanent. She thought that would scare her, but it didn't. 

"At this point, you might as well ask him to give up his title," Fenrys muttered under his breath. 

All three Elders smiled and a shiver ran down Aelin's smile.

"A title is not much without material to give it meaning," Woodlyn remarked, "Look at little Aelin here. A title with nothing to back it up. No money, no property, just fire in her veins." 

That same fire threatened to burst forth. 

"He means no offence, Aelin," Sellene said to her. Then, to him, "That fire might very well save us on the battlefield. In any case..." She cleared her throat and stood up. "I trust that you three and Rowan can work this out privately. It's taking far too much time and I am losing patience. A war is here and we need to sort out the finer details. Lorcan, gather my generals and get a plan together. Fenrys, Rowan, Aelin—you three stay. The rest of you are dismissed."

It was striking to witness. The sheer command she possessed as a ruler. No one questioned her, simply obeyed. It impressed Aelin every time.

As soon as the room was vacated, she produced a slip of paper from her sleeve. "A message from one of my most trusted sentries," she said, "She's found Amaelia, accompanied by a young girl."

"Evangeline," Aelin breathed. "It has to be. Was there any word of Aedion? Lysandra?"

"None, I'm afraid." 

A sudden wave of guilt threatened to crush Aelin. She'd barely been thinking of any of them, so wrapped up in... Well, Rowan. As if sensing her shift in mood, he moved closer towards her.

"She's accompanying them back. They should be here within a few days. I'm sure they'll have answers. I'm going to meet with the generals," she informed them, standing and turning to leave, "Continue lying low for now. Rowan... Do the same. I'll send word to Remelle that I've sent you on a mission." Finally, she nodded towards Fenrys who wordlessly followed her out the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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