Chapter 17

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Fenrys always hated the Ashryver stronghold. Way too stuffy for his tastes. The type of castle he was used to was the complete opposite of what he currently stood inside. Doranelle's castle was built of beautifully ornate stone and stood proudly amid a network of cascading rivers. It was a thing of wild beauty to say the least. This castle was not a thing of any kind of beauty. It was plain stone surrounded by more stone—walls so high that they blocked everything out, keeping the high and mighty Ashryvers securely inside of their own little bubble. He supposed that that made it beautiful to the Ashryvers... which explained a lot. Fenrys never met an Ashryver that he liked. He liked Aelin, of course, but she was an Ashryver only in name. Through and through, she was a Galathynius. Aedion wasn't so bad either. Fenrys supposed that he wasn't much of an Ashryver either. He was Gavriel's son and Fenrys couldn't help but respect him, if only for that. 

Fenrys stood towards the back of the room, eyeing Galan as he spoke to Rowan, one prince to another. The pair had been going through all the bullshit formalities for much too long before Galan finally got to the reason for his and Rowan's visit: Aelin's rumored death. 

"I am surprised that the rumor of Aelin's death has travelled so quickly to Doranelle," Galan said. "Even more surprised that you haven't received any direct word from Terrasen."

Galan leaned back in his ugly, ornate armchair as he said it. Though his face was stoic, his pose was way too casual. Either he was an arrogant asshole, or an earnest one. Fenrys couldn't quite decide which. Whatever the case, Galan was very blatantly fishing for details on the diplomatic relationship between Terrasen and Doranelle. Unsurprisingly, Rowan saw through the statement and ignored it completely. 

Rowan just said, "Fenrys and I happened to be in town and heard the rumor. It would have been remiss of us as high ranking representatives of Doranelle to not offer our condolences, if the rumor happened to be true." 

Galan didn't respond. He simply looked at Rowan in that same stoic manner, as if carefully considering his next words. Moments of silence passed. Rowan waited, patient as ever. It was all Fenrys could do to not slap the words out of Galan. 

When Galan finally opened his mouth to say something, the door behind Fenrys burst open to reveal a frantic woman. 

Golden hair and blue-gold eyes immediately marked her as an Ashryver. She was doubled over, panting. The sense of urgency that she brought with her was palpable. 

Galan immediately stood. "Amaelia! What's wrong?"

"Aedion is here! He brings news of Aelin!" 

As soon as she said it she covered her mouth, no doubt suddenly taking note of the extra company in the room. 

Rowan shot Fenrys a quick look, his eyes alight with surprise that was no doubt mirrored in Fenrys' own expression.

Galan rushed to Amaelia's side, but before he could reach her, someone else entered the room: Aedion. 

"Aedion!" said Galan. "Wonderful to see you."

"Cousin," Aedion returned, embracing Galan in familiar hug. "You have guests I see. Do pardon my intrusion." 

"Yes," Galan said. "Friends of your father. You must know them." 

"I know of them, but we are not well acquainted, unfortunately," Aedion replied.

"I see," Galan said, clasping his hands. "Well, Prince Rowan and Fenrys are here on account of some nasty rumors that have been circulating in the streets of Varese. Your presence is far more pressing, however." Galan nodded to Rowan and Fenrys, before briskly leading Amaelia and Aedion out the room. "I shall be in touch with Doranelle soon."

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