••kidnapped Part 1••

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You only hoped they hadn't located the child.

Two days prior to the events of kashyyk, Moff Gideon's assistant had came into contact with the mistress from Tython, informing her about the events that happened in her so-called village.

"Are you sure it was them?" The assistant asked.

"It was. He was carrying a Jedi with him as well as the child you desperately seek."

The assistant's lip began to stretch into a slight smirk, "where did they go?"

"I'm not sure but one of my scouts had found the mandalorian's ship and reported that he had placed a tracker on it... just in case."


"I suggest you hurry, that mandalorian and Jedi are smarter than they look."

With that the assistant shut down the transmission and made a beeline to the Moff himself.

"We've located them."

"Good, send me the coordinates, we are going after them now."

"Yes sir."


You and Din ran to where the Razor Crest had been resting, and not far were the Tie Fighters.

"What do we do now." Your voice wavering

"I suggest we go in the Wookie's domain.. they should all be in there."

But as he said that you felt a dark pull, one you have felt before in one of your visions.
"Let's be careful, I feel a disturbance in the force."

The mandalorian would've shrugged off your request but after learning that the force wasn't just some witch craft, he completely believes you.

You and Din ran towards an entrance, unaware of where the doors or anything was located, it was hard to tell especially with all the lush forest growing at every sector of the planet.
You looked around hoping to get an idea, "how about we use these vines to climb up to the highest point of one of these trees, from there, we'll use connecting branches to hop from one area to another. I'll use grogu's force signature to find him."

The Mandalorian had no other better plan, "alright, let's go."

Din grabbed onto the nearest vine and used to it to climb up the tree, using the trunk as a place to walk.
With your enhanced abilities, you force jumped and grabbed onto a vine and used it to swing yourself to another, gaining altitude each time. By the time you reached the top, Din was still half ways up the tree.
"I'll go in and find grogu!" You shouted down towards the mandalorian.
"okay but be careful! We don't know how many imperialists are there!"
You shot him with a thumbs up, already aware of how many people there were, however one signature stood out more than the others.

You ran to the nearest entrance on the canopy and held your saber tightly; following along with the shadows, trying to remain out of sight.
You closed your eyes to feel around you, where could the child be?
You continued to look into the force until you felt a familiar life force.

You immediately ran through the bridge that connected one tree to another, the second tree being much larger and filled with green than the one you and Din had climbed up on.
Grogu's signature was becoming stronger, but so was the other one. It was much darker and it felt cold, making your skin turn bumpy with goosebumps.

Din has finally climbed up to the top, seeing a distant figure running through the bridge, it must be you.
With that, Din took out his spear and ran after you, knowing very well that would be the one to lead them to the child.

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