••Help From Within: Part II••

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"What's the plan?" Mando asked.

You looked down in thought. "Gideon is after me." You said as you stood up from your seat in the cockpit. "I could distract him while you look for Grogu, once you get him out, I'll find a way to destroy Gideon's hyperdrive so he won't be able to catch us."

Mando nodded slightly, "the only problem is that he'd still be alive and after us." He said lowly.

You sighed, "true." 

You pursed your lips, "we're going to have to kill him then.. somehow."

Din thought for a moment, lifting his gaze to you. "I might know a way to blow him into space." He said with some confidence. "I can infiltrate his ship's vital components and place bombs all around them, when the time is right, I'll push a button here." He lifted his arm and motioned to his gauntlet. "And his ship will be shattered to pieces."
"Sounds like a good plan." You said, still pondering the strategy. "I can't say it'll work all the way but.. it's what we got." You said with a nod.
Din heard your uncertainty, "we'll do with what we got, I just need you and Grogu to be safe. That's all that matters to me."

You met his eyes through his visor even though you couldn't see them, but you felt them. You longed to see this man, who was he?
You smiled softly, his words sent small waves of warmth to your heart. "Then let's get him." You said with a hint of confidence to your voice.

"I seriously think this is a bad idea." TK-2404 said as he and his comrade followed Grogu through the hallways. Some troopers had eyed them while others completely ignored the fact that the force sensitive prisoner was out of it's cell. Grogu did indeed have his cuffs on so it didn't attract too much attention.
"*patu*." Grogu cooed.

"What's a *patu*." tk-2404 sighed for the hundredth time. Tk-1128 shrugged.

As Grogu walked, the more he was getting closer to the stations of the 'higher ups' or officers of the cruiser.

"We should grab him." Tk-1128 spoke up as the amount of troopers began to decrease. The hallway was dimly lit by various lights that were scattered in linear patterns.
Grogu had sensed their worry and stopped. He looked up and saw the troopers looking at him. There was something strange about them, and Grogu felt that these troopers had a nervous aura to them. He tilted his head as his ears perked up slightly. He cooed in interest.

TK-2404, slowly kneeled to the kid. "This isn't a good idea." He said in a slower pace of words. He would imagine that it understood some form of English.
Grogu cooed and lifted his arms slightly, the cuffs not letting him reach all the way up.

TK-2404 looked over to Tk-1128, then back down to Grogu. He reached out and gently placed his hands right underneath grogu's arms and lifted him in front of himself, his arms outstretched.

"That's not how you carry it stupid." TK-1128 said. He grabbed Grogu from his hands and brought him closer to his chest, cradling it like a baby. "Let's get back to the cell." Just at TK-1128 said that, an alarm blared, the dim lighting now flashing red.

"That's.. that's not good." TK-1128 said keeping Grogu close.
Grogu cooed as his ears drooped slightly as the alarm rang, his beady eyes looking around and back up to the trooper. TK-2404 shook his head, a slight panic rising in his chest, "we shouldn't have opened the damn thing."

The alarm sound throughout the whole ship, but it wasn't Grogu's absence from the cell that made it go off.


It wasn't long before you and Din had landed into Gideon's ship using TIE fighters that were in the old laboratory where the razor crest was currently resting. It made easy entry into his ship, bypassing dozens of security measures. You got off the ship and as did Mando, the both of you on high alert. Mando had his gun drawn and you with your lightsabers in hand, however not ignited just yet. The both of you crept behind the dozen of other ships resting in the bright blue hangar.
You felt of jolt of hope as you felt grogu's life force, he was alive. "He's not far." You said.

Din nodded, "which way do we go?"

You gave a nod towards the far end of the hangar where it connected to the hallways that would eventually lead to Grogu's cell. The both of you continued to stealthily maneuver past each ship, hiding behind cargo boxes whenever troopers would pass by. 

 You crept around the hallways until you finally made it to where most prisoners were held. Using the force, you attempted to feel for Grogu's whereabouts. There were multiple beings that you sensed, some emitting sinister feelings and others of fear. You frowned for those who were feeling pain and suffering as you searched for the familiar feeling of Grogu's life force, "We're close." You said softly behind you to Din. However, You took notice of your Mandalorian as he stood still and that's when you realized you guys had been caught. 

A trooper stood in front of you with her gun drawn, "Freeze!" She commanded as she held the gun closer to your face. With a swift motion however, you ignited your sabers and slashed the gun in half as you kicked the trooper, sending her flying to the wall, "We need to go NOW." You said to Din as you rushed past the unconscious trooper. Unfortunately for the both you, the alarm was sound as troopers began to realize the absent responses of their comrade. 


Hey guys, its been a while, I know. 

At first it was writers' block and the fact that i just had no storyline to go off by but i think i found a good point here to continue. Also, I didn't think this would happen but I'm currently going through a break up with my first bf so, its a little hard to concentrate on things but i think writing here is a good way to get my mind off things. so yeah. Also because Miguel O'Hara is living rent-free in my mind and I've been on c.ai for the whole summer so that's another reason lmao.

but i hope you guys enjoyed this mini chapter, i will be doing some planning for this book, the ending is still not even planned fully so, i think ill keep myself busy with that :)

bye bye <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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