••Kidnapped Part 2••

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Following Grogu's force signature you ran down the hall that was connected to the "throne room" you were battling Gideon in. Using the force and it's Enhanced acrobatics, you hopped over the vine railing and using your left hand, you swung yourself to the lower level, landing in another wooden bridge. You continued to run down every level until you felt grogu's signature; which was getting stronger every level down you traveled. It was at that moment you realized that he wasn't even in the Wookiee structures.

In the hangar.

You jumped off the last railing of vines and landed on a platform where private ships would be allowed to land. The tan platform was a large trunk carved into a flat surface, perfect for ships or other vehicles. From there you still had a bigger view of the terrain. You spotted the TIE Fighters on the lower platform that was used as a hangar; quickly, you unsheathed your lightsaber and stuck it to the trunk's side and slid your way down the platform. Your lightsaber leaving a burned trail down the side.
Once you made it to the bottom you ran to the TIE Fighter, it was much different than the average one, it's side wings were smaller and more arrow-dynamic.
"Grogu!" You yelled in desperation.

You peaked in the dark window to see the child tied in the seat. The inside had a dim red lighting and made it harder for you to see if he was hurt, but you could feel his life force and that was enough.

"I'm going to get you out of there!"

You took a step back and concentrated on the force, you arm extended as if you were trying to reach out for something; But before you could even open the hatch to the Fighter, you heard an ignition the odd hum of the darksaber.
"I wouldn't do that." The Moff said in a menacingly low tone, as he pointed the saber to your back.

"Why would I fear you?"  You questioned lowly.
You were a force user with much experience, why in the world would you stand down to him?

"Because I'm the one who is in power right now. You are right where I want you, Jedi."

You furrowed your brows, you will not let this man hurt you or the child.
Slowly, you began to turn to face the Moff, your hands in the air in a surrendering form.
Gideon began to speak once more, " You could come with us instead, and we'll leave him alone."

"I don't trust that deal. Especially from you." You responded. On the whole of your youth spent in the clone wars, you learned that you should never trust a trade like that.

"Suit yourself."
With that the Moff rose the darksaber to end you, but before he could strike you down, you blocked the attack with your lightsaber.

the Mandalorian had found the Wookiees tied in cuffs, quickly he whipped out his blaster and shot each one, freeing all the Wookiee captured by the Moff's helpers. As sun finished blasting the last pair of cuffs, a blaster cocked behind his neck.
"It's over for you mando." Spoke the voice of a man. But before mando could do anything, one of the Wookiees had hit him with a large wooden cane that contained tribal accessories attached to it.
The imperialist dropped to his knees and hit the floor, unconscious.

"Thank you."


With that, Din ran down the bridges connecting the structures and looked down to the hangar to see two blades of light clashing against eachother.

From behind, a Wookiee tapped Din's shoulder.

It was a cross bow of some sort, it was made of wood and metal and contained a scope.
The Wookiee nodded and quickly went back to his family to gather them up.

Din pointed the bow towards the fight you and Gideon had been engaged in for a while now.

You used all the combinations of lightsaber forms you knew, and it seemed to be working, each time surprising Gideon by nearly chopping his head off. He was good, but not that good.

"I see you still have your skills."

"What did you expect." You smirked.
You jumped and spun to get him from behind but he had managed to block your attack. Using the force you force pushed him and he hit the ground, but as if nothing had happened he stood up quickly, swinging the saber skillfully once again.
Left, right, up, down.
But as you were following his rhythm, the Moff ducked and kicked your feet, knocking you off balance.
You hit the ground with a thud making your saber fly to your side as it sheathed back into the hilt.

"I won't ask again jedi, join us, or you. Will. Die."

Just as you opened your mouth, a blaster bolt was shot and hit Gideon on his right shoulder. Small black steam began to sizzle out of the blaster wound as he attempted to cover it with his hand; luckily for him, the rain began to trickle down from the sky. The sky had began to darken with rain full clouds as the the fighting progressed.
You took this time to use the force to bring your hilt to you and finish Gideon off, but just as you stood, the moff pulled his blaster out and shot your leg.
You froze in pain and you winced as you hit the ground.

It had been a long time since you've been hit with a blaster.

You faintly saw Gideon get up, now that you were on the ground, and board the TIE Fighter, along with Grogu in it.

You winced as you tried to get up, your vision turning cloudy; But your efforts were in vain.

As soon as the Fighter left the planet of Kashyyyk, you felt a pair of arms grab you, dragging you to a dryer area.
However, lost in the pain, you fell unconscious.


I'll just.... Leave this here :)

Heyyyyy yalllllllll
Guess who's back, back again.

I'm back with another chapter! I know it's been practically a year I think, since I've written anything. Buttttt now that school is over I was able to write this :)
I was accepted into UCSD which is exciting sooo yeahh.... COLLEGE WOOOO

anywho I hope you enjoyed this chapter! They'll be more to come <3

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