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"We have the perimeter surrounded! Surrender the child NOW!"

All the stormtroopers had their blasters up, ready to shoot the building when given the command by their captain.

A woman with ragged clothing and torn boots slowly walked out of the house as she sobbed,
"She is just a child!"

"Put your hands up where we can see them!", The captain of the trooper squad demanded. You could tell she was their leader with the pauldron that was sitting on her left shoulder.

"Please don't take her please...take me instead!" The woman begged, her arms traveling above her head.

The dry winds of Dantooine had picked up, causing occasional leaves to fly by over the tall grasses.

The captain responded, "We don't need you. We want the youngling."

"I won't let you." The woman cried out.

With that, the Captain signaled her troopers to start shooting the hut down. Each trooper was now wildly aiming for any part of the hut, making it catch into flames due to the dry weather in Dantooine those past couple of days.

The woman watched her hut burn in horror, her family was still in there. In anger, she took out her blaster that she had tucked behind her back and aimed directly at the Captain. In almost an instant the Captain saw where the blaster had been pointing, and before the woman could hit the trigger, she fired at the woman and knocked her down. There was now a hole on the woman's shoulder that sizzled from the burnt flesh.

"You- you will pay for this one d-day."

Scoffing, the captain looked down at the dying woman, "we'll see about that. " Before the captain turned to her troopers, she shot the woman one last time. "Pathetic."

Not far from the scene two troopers had stopped firing at the building and watched as their captain killed the woman. A cold shiver ran through one of their spines as they saw the body go limp.

"Keep firing, before the captain sees us."

The other trooper looked back at his comrade, his chest rising and falling rapidly while looking down to his blaster, the captain, the hut, and then back to his troopmate, "I can't do this."

"You have to. Don't be stupid you'll end up like her."

He looked down at the dead woman and back to his troopmate once again; nodding he lifted his blaster back to the hut but just before he began firing, the captain called out his and the other trooper's identification numbers.

"TK-2404 and TK-1128, I want you to retrieve the youngling. Find it." Her voice was loud and clear despite the destruction, and her gaze between the two troopers never faltered. Even through her visor, they could feel her eyes burning through them.

"Yes, Captain."

Before anything else was said, they both marched to the burning house to take a look inside. Everything was pretty much gone however something seemed off. No one was inside, yet in the briefing before this mission, they were told that a family had lived there and a probe had picked up traces of force using beings.

"Where on this planet could they have escaped from," TK-1128 asked, a slight string of worry laced in his voice.

"I don't know." voiced TK-2404. "Check everything."

TK-1128 nodded and continued searching for clues or anything out of place, it was hard enough that the hut was damn burning but it just meant they had to be quick.

"Kriff, there's nothing." TK-1128 stressed, "anything yet?"

looking up from his search, he saw his comrade freeze in his tracks as he spotted a type of latch that seemed to have been opened. Walking up to TK-2404, TK-1128 stood alongside him, eyeing the trap door.

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