••He will Always Return••

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    You sighed in boredom, the ship hummed along with the silence. You attempted to concentrate on the force and Meditate; you crossed your legs, your hands still cuffed, and closed your eyes. Although it was quiet there were still small coos coming from the cockpit which made you slightly happy. You breathed in and out in concentration when suddenly, you sensed a wave of happiness. It was the child. The sensation made you smile a bit, making you forget your future fate.
Your meditation however was quickly interrupted by the Mandalorian.
You slowly opened your eyes and looked over to him. "I could eat."

He gave you a nod and walked over to a storage hatch,taking out a banana with some blue milk.
"It's all we have for now."

"Thank you."

The Mandalorian walked over to you and crouched, uncuffing you so that you may eat the snack he was providing you.
You took the snack from his hands and ate it.
"Blue milk's good."

He only continued watching you.

"So, Do you ever talk?"

"I don't speak to my bounty's."

You released a sigh.

"I see."
You continued until you spoke again. "I honestly don't even know why I'm being charged with a bounty. I haven't caused trouble."

You paused, then it hit you.

"I get the feeling an ex-imperialist sent you."
The Mando only gave you a slow nod.

"You don't realize the danger you'd put yourself in if you turned me in."

He didn't respond.

"If you think they only want me for the force, your wrong. They'll use me to track the remaining Jedi and force sensitives, The Child being one of them, and kill us."

That's when you struck a nerve on the Mandalorian.
"Don't bring in the kid just to make me listen."

He quickly took your empty cup and banana peel and cuffed you once again.

"Im just trying to tell you that you're making a mistake. That Child is force sensitive, and I can tell you love him so much, I can feel it."

In that instant the child cooed behind the mando. He waddled his way to you and fell on your lap. This made Mando uncomfortable, the kid was too close to you, and he didn't trust you.

"Kid, get away from her."
But of course being the stubborn creature the child is, he didn't listen. Instead he remained in place, looking at you, chirping in interest. You were new on the ship, and the child wanted nothing more than to explore.
Mando sighed at the child's stubbornness and gently grabbed him, taking him away from you. He said nothing more and climbed back into the cockpit.

"I already told you kid, don't go near her, I know she's new on here but she's temporarily staying."

The child cooed lowly.
"At least we know what your powers are.."
The child laid back on his seat and closed his eyes for sleep. The Mandalorian set the ship on auto-pilot once again and laid back against his chair. He closed his eyes behind his helmet and attempted to fall asleep.
He shuffled around, trying to get confortable however he couldn't seem to. The words that came from you clouded his mind.

The Child being one of them.

Maybe that's why the imperialists are after the kid, the same reason they are after you. But he needed these credits for lodging and hiding, to keep them away from him and the child.

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