••The Bounty Hunter••

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His footsteps sound through his ship as he walked the Child to a small hammock.
"You stay here. I'll be back."
The small green child cooed in response whilst tilting his head.
The Mandalorian had been searching for a job ever since the rescue of the green child, he was no longer part of the guild, especially after he decided to keep the child. But it didn't matter, the child was safe and that was the only thing that mattered to him.
He opened the hatch of the ship to reveal a sandy scenery of Jakku. Letting out a sigh, he walked out and stepped onto the sandy land.
Nearby was a large market with many stands, he looked around. There was a small cantina similar to the one in Tatooine, maybe there'll be a job he can take.
He walked over to the cantina, as he entered eyes were on him. Mandalorians were rare, so it wasn't much of a surprise to see all eyes on him. He stalked over to a man who was sitting casually sipping away a drink; He wore an old empire badge that dangled on his shirt. Mando sat on the seat across from him, there's always a job if you know where to look.
"Hello mandalorian."
"I'm here for a job."
"Of course you are."
The man pulled out three pucks.
"I don't have much, the guild took most of the bounties available."

Mando gave him a nod, all the bounties were a small amount. "What's your most expensive?"

The man fiddled with his cup,"well, I do have this one bounty. Its priceless."

"What is it?"

The man leaned forwards whilst placing his hands in front of him, "it's a Jedi, she's been on the run since the time of the clone wars, however she is still experienced and skilled."

"A Jedi?"

"She's the only expensive I've got, but I'd consider this wisely, most of the bounty hunters I send out, never come back."

Mando thought about it, it was enough to sustain himself and the child, The beskar should hold a couple slashes.
"Where do I find the Jedi?"
"I don't have a puck for her, but many assume she's in the planet of Tatooine. I wish you luck."
Mando gave him a final nod and stood from his seat, making his way to the Razor Crest and the child.

He opened the hatch to be greeted by the small green creature.
"Hey kid, I got a job."
The child cooed with a small smile on his mouth. Mando crouched and softly tapped the top of the creature's head.
"Hopefully we catch this Jedi, it'll be enough credits to feed us for a while."
Mando picked up the child and closed the hatch, he climbed up to the cockpit and placed the kid on the seat behind him.
"Alright let's go."
Mando started up the engine and lifted off.


The Razor Crest had been in hyperspace for a while, the monitors started blinking, indicating that the destination is near. Mando turned off auto pilot and jumped out of hyperspace as Tatooine came into view.
"We're here."
Mando flew down to enter the planet's atmosphere, next to him the child watched the window with great interest.
"Hold on buddy."
The Razor Crest began to pick up speed until they finally entered the desert planet. Once entering the planet, the child began to coo and make random little noises.
"I thought I told you to hold on."
Grabbing the kid, mando gently placed the little creature back on his seat. The child chirped in defeat.
Mando decided to land at a small village, there, was a woman and two droids.
"Well hey! If ain't the mando."
Walking out of the Crest he approached Peli Motto.
"I was hoping you could watch my ship and the kid while I finish my job."
The child waddled over to Peli as Mando spoke to her.
"Well if ain't the cutest little thing!" Peli gasped, practically ignoring what mando had requested. She picked him up and looked back at mando, "well as long as I look after him and get a little profit out of it, I think we could manage a deal."

"How does 600 credits sound?"

"Eh, it ain't much but that could work."
Mando reached for his sack of credits and gave the woman 600.

"Whatcha' trying to catch this time?"

"A Jedi, she has a handsome bounty on her head that could help sustain me and the kid for a while."

"Hm, I've actually heard of a Jedi roaming these parts of the galaxy, last I've heard, she was spotted at the cantina wearing a robe. A fight broke out and she whipped out her lightsaber. Speeders' outside by the way."

Mando made his way to the front of the woman's hangar and hopped on one of the speeder bikes. He turned the engine on and rode away, hearing a distant chirp from the child.

Mando parked the speeder outside the cantina and entered. It was filled with many different people and creatures. He approached the cantina barista.

"Can I interest you in something?" He spoke.

"I'm looking for a Jedi, I've heard she's been spotted here before."

"Ahh a bounty hunter. Yes you've come to the right place, she was spotted last week, last I've seen her go was the the far eastern region, all there is there is moist farms, not sure what business she'd have there."
Mando gave the barista a nod, "Thanks."
Mando quickly exited the cantina and hopped on the speeder again, making his way towards the deserts' mountains.


Hello there!

Here's Mando's chapter, sorry for short chapters, it's just how they'll be until I get to the middle of the story. I hope y'all enjoyed it! Next chapter both of you will finally meet :)

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