••A Plan••

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You and Din had lifted off and left Kashyyyk for about 40 minutes now.

"So, why are they taking the kid to Kamino?" The Mandalorian stood by the railing of the latter leading up to the cockpit, his arm resting against the wall and the other arm resting at his hips.

You paced a bit before turning to him, "Back in the Clone War, Kamino was the place where the clones were created and trained for battle. I would've expected that these kinds of technologies were long gone with the empire, but it turns out that it's not." You stopped in front of Mando, "They're most likely planning to clone Grogu."

"For his powers?"

You gave him a nod. You could feel Din's fear and slowly stepped up to him, landing a hand on his shoulder. You searched for his eyes but you just met his black 'T' shaped visor, "Hey, we'll find him Din."

You then remembered what Gideon had told you before the whole battle broke out.

it is your destiny

But it's not..

You didn't want what was already gone to come back, especially coming from you.

"You okay?"
The words of the Mandalorian snapped you back to your senses.
"Yeah sorry, I just.. Gideon said something that seemed to stick to me."

"What did he say to you?"
His voice went low, a slight anger in his tone.
Din traveled his gloved hand to yours that was on his armored shoulder, and placed his hand right on top. He hesitated with the gesture but decided to grab your hand and held it in his. He moved slowly, unsure how to approach what he wanted to do.

"He said that I needed to rule the galaxy. That I should become powerful.. that it was my destiny."
Your eyes traveled to Din's hand that was holding yours, a light blush creeping against your cheeks.
"But I don't want that."

You looked back up to Din's beautiful beskar helmet that reflected the Razor Crests' dim lighting and gazed in his visor, a slight hope that maybe you'll catch a glimpse of his eyes. But alas, the visor was tinted too dark for you to see anything.
"You are powerful, and capable. But I think your destiny is far greater than that. You.. Y/N.. you're destined for amazing things.. and I don't need the force to know that."
You smiled warmly at his words, "thank you, you don't know how much those words mean to me."

Din held your hand tighter while his left hand hesitantly began to travel up to your cheek. He let his hand hover over it before finally, softly, sliding his hand on the side of your face.

The leather glove felt smooth and warm against your cheek. Although you never have seen this man's face, you knew he was real and alive, the warmth of his hand raptured you... you could only imagine how his real hand would feel like.
You leaned to his touch.

The mandalorian's heart was racing. Underneath his helmet he was a blushing mess. He had the most beautiful person he's ever met right in front of him.
What If I just...
It took mandos whole being to stop himself from just taking off his helmet and reveal himself to you.  But he'd rather when the time seems right.
For now, there's one thing he'd really love to do.

Slowly sliding off his left hand from your cheek, mando looked down to his hand and slowly began pulling on the glove.

You watched, was he going to?

Mando swiftly pulled off his glove and hesitantly looked up to you; he felt vulnerable, and it was just his hand that was uncovered.
He held his hand up to you, unsure how to really approach you, but you already knew what he was attempting to do.
Matching his slow gestures, you reached out and lightly touched his palm with your hand.
Oh my..
His hands were warm and slightly rough, that indicated his hard work. You lightly wrapped your fingers around his and gave him small affectionate rubs with your thumb.

The two of you didn't have to say a word. You felt so connected that words would just ruin what was going on. The blanket of silence that fell around the two of you was comforting and vulnerable.

"Why don't we just stick to what we originally had planned?" The Moff's assistant trailed behind Gideon as they made their way to the laboratory where clone equipment was stored.

Gideon stopped at his tracks and turned to his assistant. "A Jedi who is broken is easy to manipulate."

"But what if she's not, as you say, broken."

The Moff turned back to the direction of the lab and continued walking down the lit halls of his ship. " Every Jedi has a weakness. Whether it be something closest to them, something they value, or someone they care about. In this Jedi's case, the green animal is what she holds dearest to, not only that, but the Mandalorian she seems to be attached to as well."
Gideon heard no response from his assistant, he assumes she was trying to piece things together.

"If we take away what she loves right in front of her, she will have nothing but anger. She will have nothing to lose. At the hight of it all comes power. She will take the lead and bring back the empire from the ashes."

"And if she was a mistake?"

"Then we kill her."
With that the Moff and his assistant make it to the main clone laboratory. The metal sliding doors open to a world of science and technology, however the views aren't admirable. Tanks were dirty and used, filled with mold and algae. Some samples were already dead as well.
The assistant wore a disgusted expression.
"I don't think killing her will be very easy sir."

"No it won't be.. but it's not impossible."

i know it's been forever but my winter quarter for college is ending soon so that means more time for me to update :)
So expect some updates that are not three months or so long BAHHAA

Anyyyywaysss I hope you guys enjoyed this small chapter! ☺️

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