Chapter 8: Father

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It was about time that I spend some quality time with my dad. It's been several years since the last time that I even spent the whole day with him alone. What better way then surprising him with a father daughter day?

I pulled up to the my parents house right as my dad is walking out the door.

Right before I arrived I had called him to come outside because I needed to talk to him about something important.

"Hi princess, what did you have to talk to me about?" he said through the opened window.

"Hi dad. Well I just want to spend the day together. We haven't had a father daughter day in a very long time. Isn't it about time we do one now." I answered him.

"Yes you're right." he says while opening the car door. I could noticed that my dad was moved by what I said, but was hiding it by opening the door. Even though he wants to hide his emotions sometimes I could still tell what they are.

"Okay then. What do you want to do that we haven't done in ages?" I asked him.

"Lets go have a cup of coffee at out favorite place. I haven't had a cup of Fairy's coffee in quite a while. But the thing that I miss the most was--

"Chocolate chip pancakes." we said in unison.

"Mom, used to hate it when you made those."

"Yeah, well, your mom always wanted the nicer things in life. I guess, and I was happy with simple."

"I still wonder why you two ever got together."

"Because I love her. Even though she can be a bit over the top in everything that she does and wants. When your in love with someone you'll do anything for that person. Although that person for me happened to be your mother and she's a bit crazy but I still love her." he said while smiling lovingly before I drove away from the house.

My parents never ceases to amaze me with everything that they have taught me over the years. My dad taught me to never give up on my dreams even though my mom has never accepted that I wanted to become a career woman rather than a house wife with kids. My parents taught me to be respectful and to always value everyone that comes into my life.

"So breakfast first." I asked.

"Yes. That's the most important thing to do first thing in the morning. And also I'm famished." he said.

"Mom hasn't told the cooks to make breakfast yet?" I asked.

"Oh. They're currently making it, but it's something healthy that I don't want. Since it was by her orders to make it. I don't want to make more work for them and tell them I want something entirely different." he mentioned.

Sometimes my dad doesn't like making more work for others when he could do it himself. He prefers to help in any way that he can. He just wants them to have a life of their own. Especially everyone that works at the house. Since he knows how my mom can be with everyone else including the employees. Dad knows when they need a break from her so he gives them the day off. That's what I've always loved about him.

"Oh. mom is going to be mad that you went out without having her special healthy breakfast before you left." I said.

"Yes, but I'll take the chances cause I'll be spending time with you doing everything we haven't done in years. Especially since we'll be having real breakfast together. I wouldn't change that even though I know that your mother is going to be mad at me." he stated.

He's right my mom would be really mad that he isn't going to eat what she has told the cook to make. She always wants to get her way, but when she doesn't get it she either acts like a child or becomes really mean and punishes you with something that you wouldn't want.

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