Chapter 9: Volunteer pt. 1

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"Hey Lucy. What are you up to today?" asked Erza while we were having breakfast together.

"Oh. I'm going on a shopping spree for the children at the orphanage." I answered.

"Oh. It's that time already."

"Yes. I was about to forget but luckily my phone reminded me. I just can't miss this. You know what these children mean to me and what would happen if I don't go this month." I reminded her.

"Yes I know. Don't forget to get the girls what they really need and also the babies."

"Don't worry I have a list of everything that I need to buy." I said.

"Good. Do you need any help?" she asked.

"No. I hired someone to help me with carrying all the bags to the car."


Giving back is something that I always love to do, especially to children in need.

Once every two months I go on a shopping spree for clothes of all sizes. Starting from infants to teenagers. I try to make sure that I get enough clothes for everyone at the orphanage, but that is very hard to do.

Kids grow up so fast that they need bigger sizes and more options especially babies. From the moment they're born they need so much care and clothes for their many outfit changes that they need throughout the day in case that they get dirty.

"Anyway what are you up to later today." I asked her.

"I have a date with someone." Erza revealed trying to conceal her excitement.

It's been a while since Erza been on a date with anyone. I'm happy for her I just hope that she has a great time.

"That's amazing. How did you meet him?"

"He walked into my bakery a month ago and ever since he's been coming by the bakery two to three times a week. And just two day ago he asked me out." she explained.

"Wow. That great. So where are you going?" I asked.

"I don't know he's picking me up in front of the bakery in a couple of hours."

"Okay hope you have an amazing date."

"Thanks Lucy." Erza took a breath before saying. "You know what I think."

"What?" I asked quite curious on what she has to say.

"That you care a great deal about your about your family and friends that one day you'll find someone who get you for you. Since you've helped all of our friends in their relationship in one way or another. You'll be rewarded with something you didn't know you needed or wanted deep down." she stated.

My friends have always known the way that I want to live my life, however every once in a while they try to suggest to me something but once I turn it down they stop. Besides that there are times they do make a point.

"What if I don't want to accept the reward? What if I'm okay with the way my life is right now?" I asked.

"That's alright if you are, but what if deep down you want a way to share your happiness and success and you don't want to admit it. You don't have to accept the reward life gives you, but before you turn it down just think about it and consider what it would be like to either deny or accept it. Either way it's your choice only you know what you truly want and can decide based on that." Erza declared.

That's why I love my friends. They know when to stop whenever they're telling me what they think about my life. No matter what they say about my life I love them and wouldn't change them for anyone. On occasion they make a valid point, which I'm never going to admit to them.

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