Prime Alpha

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"So we, Alejandro & Sabalius Acosta..." Turning my gaze onto the forgotten form of Necromio. Then at Crimson. Then Reuben, "...I Return that which was entrusted onto Sable all this time so to never forget him. Because my heart never did...... and I never will.". In unison, Sable and I approach the shadowy form of Necromio, then kneel in front of him.

My arms place themselves around Necromio's dark, vaporous neck. Our foreheads press to one another. "Thank you, mate. For bringing me home."

My tone whisper beneath closed eyelids, "I have not brought you home yet. But I will now." Releasing our forehead touch, I stand, then lean and kiss Necromio's spectral forehead. "I love you, Crim."

Then spin, pointing my head towards the celestial radiance illuminating life all around us upon the astral plane. "Goddess Oya, hear me. Grant my heart, this humble desire. Reunite two halves. Make whole their fire. Return OLOFI 's Grand Elite Alpha, your son... Unite his soul. Return to me, my Necromio. Make my mate...Whole"

With a shift of my head, our gaze connects. I smile. "The time for secrets has ended. You no longer need to hide. Because of you, warrior. The shattered pieces of our lives are clear. Sable & I will be whole and... NOW. So, too will you be. Necromio first son of Oya. Will you once more be the wulf guardian of Olofi, Son of Goddess, and my mate? Will, you once more love me in your complete form?", Caressing the side of his muzzle. "

"Yes, mate. For, whether Ano or Alejandro. I have, and will always be yours...."

Burning platinum orbs pierce towards the trio, "the tables are turned." Combining with a new demeanor, "FOR I..." A loathing hatred reflects my feelings, "FOR I. I AM NO CHILD! AND WE. WILL NOT BETHE ONES TO DIE!"

Standing, I turn my head to Sabalius. "You knew all this time the spell required a sacrifice but did not know what it would be. You sacrificed them out of your devotion towards me. It was our past memories, wasn't it, Sable?" Sable lowers his head, "I learned later, yes."

You are my brother, Prime Alpha of mid-forms. I know who I am and who you are also. I am the reincarnation of Ano. You are the first hound of death." Glaring intensely, my tone beastial. "END THIS NOW, Sable. Bring us home; I know you can." Hearing this, Sable howls. Within are his words.

"Father Asojano, Alejandro seeks my true nature; he wishes to be one. He wishes to be whole. Return all our memories. Bring peace and clarity, I summon thee, Father Lazaro. Lift the veil of obscurity." Sable drops his gaze, looking at me fatherly his last words reach my ears. "... Return memories long stolen."

Immediately, separating Sable and me, A shimmering black & platinum portal appears. Within, I see a whirling spiral portal of memories. Of us. Of our youth. Of a life, not my own. Of Sable and...I. The boy inside cocks his head to his left towards me. My jaw drops, "Sable," my tone shocked, taking in the boy in the portal. He looks like me, but he is so much younger. His skin was gray, taut against his bones. His gaze, from within sunken dark sockets. Sable sees him too and whines uncontrollably; he remembers now. From his whine... I know who it is, "Sabe that's...?" as my hand reaches towards the portal as his name slips from my mouth "Ano."

"Yes, Ale it is he. He who I once called... Brother." My hand reaches, whispering his name, he stops. His tiny form begins growing larger standing out, taking shape from within the center, among the millions of swirling ones.

Ano's small sickly form matures, becoming as tall as my own. His eyes filled with affection. For a moment, he gives me his back, turning to Sable. "Hello, brother." Sable whines, "My Little one." "I have always been close, brother. I could never leave you, Sabalius." Overcome with emotions, Sable howls. Ano quietly smiles, shifting his gaze to me, waiting for Sable to finish.

Celestial Wulf Chronicles Book# 5 Sacrifice'sWhere stories live. Discover now