A permeating morning coffee aroma and the sound of sizzling meats fill the guest home. Its savoring, flowing scent climbs into my room. Now joined by sounds of shuffling feet. Everyone awakens. Estrella, aware I was awake before dawn but remained in bed, taking in the sounds of speaking groggy voices, interrupts.
"Cary, we begin. Oya has informed me after the mass, a spirit will wait for us in the forest. Alejandro will learn everything."
Downstairs, Rosa & Dona Francisca engage in conversation in the kitchen over coffee while washing dishes. Rushing water heard fill empty pot bottoms. While in other pots, the aromas of boiling culinary spices I know from memory waft from under my closed door. The rhythmic sounds of metal spatulas lifting meats out of frying pans, placed on ceramic plates, chimes repeatedly.
Sitting upright on the bed. Turning, I place my feet onto the off-white ceramic tile before responding to Estrella. "Yes, my dear." The submissive tone she hears urges Estrella to reassure me. "Soon, sister. Soon there will be peace." I respond, standing off the bed. "It is ironic, Star. That is all my Alejandro ever wanted, Peace. If only he knew. That peace he so desires held a price."
Putting on my bathrobe. I approach the one-seater sofa where my suitcase laid closed. Reaching, opening its pocket. I retrieve my toothpaste and toothbrush. With both in hand, I proceed towards the old wooden door clasping its round copper knob. With a turn opening it, there he stood, waiting. So also, from his left side, were a pair of steely wulf eyes glaring towards Alejandro. Since they were cubs, I have always see Sable's astral visage standing alongside Alejandro. Estrella's astral prowess has increased since our arrival. Almost physical.
"Hi, Toti." Alejandro's tone was low, subdued. His gaze did not immediately connect with mine. Sable's astral form stands level alongside Alejandro's. His head focused on Alejandro, staring sternly at him. I can tell Sable removed Alejandro's stubborn streak. Alejandro's body language, head bowing.
Alejandro's sight quickly moves towards the floor tiles between us. Stepping out into the hall, closing my bedroom door behind me. Alejandro lifts his head, moving towards me. "Bendición Toti." Leaning, he kisses my cheek. "Que la Diosa te bendiga mijo (may the goddess bless you, my son)" with his brief embrace, Alejandro says, "Sorry, toti. It was wrong I....." With my hand possessing toothbrush and toothpaste, I hold up one finger, stopping him.
Using wulf speak, "It is a disgusting habit human possess to speak with morning breath in their mouth. We are not human. I taught you better than that." Alejandro smiles at me. Turning, I head towards the bathroom, open its door entering and close it behind me. While in the bathroom, I hear the voice of my eldest. "YA KNO YA AIN'T GOT NOOOOO PATIENCE. GODDESS YA COULDA WAITED until MAMA Alpha GOT SOME COFFEE. DAMN ALEJANDRO." I grin, Snickering to myself, "and wait for itttt." knowing the outcome.
Sure enough, I hear Alejandro's classic response to his brother. "Shut up, Fool." From Alejandro's tone proximity, He remained to wait where I left him. I towel dry my face then my hands. Coming out, I see him there, sulking more "Toti." Alejandro renews his look with the floor.
"Yes, Hijo (Son)" approaching, stopping in front of him. Alejandro looks to his feet, "I'm sorry. I just...." I kiss his cheek. "Lla (enough), my young Luna. Today is a new day. Yesterday cannot come back. So, learn and forget it. eh?"
Alejandro stares at me. "How did I get so blessed to have such an awesome mother like you?" For a moment, I froze, "Has he figured it out already? Does he know?"
Estrella answers, "No, sister. He does not.... not Yet." Estrella immediately calms me, absorbing my anxious energy. Hugging Alejandro, "Because Goddess blessed me with the best cubs." Again, Alejandro kisses my cheek. Together we head down the short five steps. Reaching its bottom, we turn right towards the kitchen.
Celestial Wulf Chronicles Book# 5 Sacrifice's
Manusia SerigalaSable howls "MOOOTHERRR!!" simultaneously, a seismic lightning bolt explodes from beneath the earth. His true hellish nature, a beast tone beyond guardian, beyond wulf, emerges. "ALEJANDRO!! KILL, KILL, KILLL!!!!" My head snaps left with such force...