Chapter 5

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        I woke up with startled, moonlight poured inside of the window. "What time is it?" I mumbled to myself. I got up and went over to where Chase was sleeping, luckily he still had his watch on his arm. 3:30 The clock said, I sighed and opened the window. The fresh air felt nice against my sweaty and clammy forehead. I had a nightmare, well not a nightmare exactly but it was upsetting  nonetheless.


        " Hey! It's fine, you know we have to keep the balance, and this is the only way to do that. " I said, comforting the little crying girl.

        "It's done" A young blonde boy  said, walking out of the shack. He had a red liquid dripping down his arms. Another boy walked out, this time with brown hair. "She didn't put up much of a struggle." He said, wiping off a knife on his blue t-shirt.

That's all I remembered from the dream, but it felt more like a memory than just a dream. 'Who were those kids?' I thought to myself, stairing outside of the window.


        "Guys!" I whisper yelled into the bedroom we'd all slept in the night before. "Guys! Wake up" They all groaned, upset that I had awoken them. "What?" Christina mumbled. " Aveline isn't here anywhere" I said, everyone shot up in bed and started looking around with me. "Where the hell could she be?"

        We all met up  in the kitchen. Everyone freaked up, there was a missing person, the storm hadn't stopped, and we were all alone in the middle of nowhere. "EVERYONE CALM DOWN NOW" Chase yelled, clearly annoyed with all of the chaos. "We all need to stay calm. I know this is bad and doesn't make even a fiber of sense but chaos is not going to help the situation." He said. We all nodded. "From now on we are going to stay together, no matter what, even if you are taking a shower" He said, we all agreed. It didn't occur to us, to leave.

        "Guys look, there is a door here" Carrie said, opening it. " Well that's just great! Haven't you guys seen any horror movies?" Simon asked, his temper rapidly rising. " Oh look there is a door in a house,where a person just went missing, and there is a terrible storm. Let's all take a look!" He said, in a mocking tone. "We are all going to be picked off one by one if we split up  or go down that God damn hole!" He yelled.        

        "It's better than staying here" Christina said, sitting next to Chase. "I say we check it out, maybe there is some food down there." I said, looking inside all of the bare cabinets."Fine, let's go down." He said, glaring at all of us, clearly not happy with this choice.

        One by one we walked down the concrete stairs in silence. "There isn't anything-" Luke started before getting cut off by a blood curdling scream. "Oh dear Lord" Christina mumbled, looking away and pale as snow. In the corner of the basement lay Aveline, in a pool of blood, with stab wounds.

        "Holy...." Carrie said, before running into he opposite corner and throwing up. "Guys, this body has been dead for years."Chase said.

        "That's not possible, we just saw her yesterday." Christina said. Looking shocked, but I could't blame her. "I'm not one to believe in ghosts, but this body has been dead for at least a year." He said. We all stared in silence, there being nothing left to say.

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