Chapter 15

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Ashton's pov

As I walk into the hospital I begin to think over what Calum told me. I wonder what it would feel like to not have to be the strong one all the time. I know it's hard for luke, but I can't help it. He's just too needy and clingy. I need personal space and a shoulder to cry on too. I'm only human. And it's exhausting keeping up with his constant drama. What would it be like to be in a normal relationship where you can go on dates and stuff and not rush to the hospital seemingly every single day? I love Luke, but I don't know whether I want to continue a relationship like this. It's too much for me.

But I defended him from Calum's harsh words, didn't I? That shows I must care for him, even though sometimes I don't feel as if I do. Deep down, I truly can't live without my Lukey. He is my everything-a very difficult everything but he is still my world and I will never let him go.

But should I be dating him when he is so fragile? I don't want to risk breaking him more. Maybe we should wait until things are settled and then attempt the romantic relationship we want. Where hospitals and abuse are a thing of the past and cute dates and friends are the present. A time when Calum doesn't hate us both and has moved on, and Michael is content aswell. None of us are really happy right now. How can we be happy when my love and their friendship is broken beyond compare?

I reach the room to see Mrs. Hemming's has left and it's just Michael who sits on the hard, plastic chair and stares at sleeping luke. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep and his demons can't haunt him. At least he's getting some rest which is something we all could do with at the moment. I sigh loudly and stare at michael. I wish I was him, he has no problems other than feeling slightly guilty about luke. He's not in love with anyone, so he doesn't have anyone to worry about. He can live life like a normal teenage boy, without this constant heartbreak and drama.

Michaels pov
I walk out of the room, almost jumping with joy when I reach the front door. Freedom at last! I swear to never enter a hospital again. Suddenly, a tearful Calum runs into me. I grab him by the shoulders, worried about my best friend.
"You okay, mate? You look like your true love broke your heart," I say, trying to joke around a bit and lighten the mood.
Calum wails and returns to his sobbing with new vigour.
"Shi..sorry! Oh my god, Calum please calm down," I yell frantically, ignoring any sceptical looks that passers by throw our way. "Please, I don't know what happened to you but you have to tell me. "
He looks at me with melancholy brown eyes. I've never seen him so sad. He looks like someone has taken his heart, stomped on it and scattered the pieces around him on the floor. Where has the lively, puppy eyed trouble maker gone now? All I see is a boy who almost looks as broken as luke.

I drag him to a nearby park bench and forcefully push him onto it. He sniffles and attempts to wipe his eyes. I hand him a clean tissue from my pocket and sit down next to him.

"What happened?" I say quietly.
"I'm fine," he whispers, ignoring my question.
"Bullshit! Your not fine at all, I know it. What happened?" I shout, earning dirty looks from pedestrians.
"I...I have to tell you something..." He mutters. "I have u a cr-crush on Ash..."
"...ton." I finish for him, pity and shock lurking in my eyes.
"I just...he loves Luke! That's why I bullied Luke, he stole Ashton's heart, he doesn't even deserve it! And..and today I admitted my feelings to Ashton...and he walked away! He...he doesn't even care, Mikey! He hates me!" Calum sobs into my sweater and I wrap my arms around him slowly. I let him cry. I can't believe Ashton would be so thoughtless towards his best friend. What kind of person is he? I know he loves Luke very much, but Calum basically spilled his heart out and he rejected him. It's not fair.
"You need to tell Luke," I say suddenly.
"What! No! I hate that bastard, I told you Mikey!" He exclaims.
"But he deserves to know. It's not his fault Ashton is a smitten kitten over him, is it?"
"I guess so..." He nods reluctantly. "But.."
"And he'll forgive you. You two should be friends, you need each other."
"Okay" he says softly and gets up from the bench.
I sigh. I hate seeing my best friend being slowly torn apart like this. He doesn't deserve to be hurt this way. I'm beginning to doubt ashton's loyalty. Because, as cliché as this sounds, I like calum.
I like him more than a friend should.

Luke's POV

Calum walks into the room just as I wake up. Michael and Ashton have gone. I can't blame them-who would want to be stuck in a hospital room with me?

"Listen luke, I have to tell you something important," Calum says, snapping me out of my trance.
" yeah sure just tell me," I mumble. It's probably not even that important. He's probably just gonna tell me that he hates me or something.
"I-I l-like Ash-Ashton.." He stutters out, with a pained expression on his face. Heartache. I know what it feels like.
"I'm sorry...I can't help it," he cries, as if it is his fault.
"Oh my god calum I'm so sorry.." I say sadly.
He's so much better than you. You don't deserve Ashton like he does.
"I'll break up with guys would be better together..he doesn't even like me I swear to.."
"No, luke please don't. I couldn't live with myself if I ever did that to either of you. He loves you. He always has." Calum shouts, running over and hugging me.
This wasn't even about you, attention whore.
"Have you told him?" I whisper.
Calum stiffens at my words. I can immediately tell how that went for him.
"Ye-yeah.." He chokes out, tears welling in his eyes. I hug him with more force.
"I'm so tired of getting rejected," he sobs, "He's never gonna want me."
But Calum's way better than you.
"He's a dick," I say suddenly. "He just said no? How could he do that to you?"
"N-no...he said he could never love me like he loves you. I hated you so much, because he was smitten over you. He's loved you since he first saw you, luke. You captivated him from day 1. B-but you didn't want him too. And that's why we bullied you. You rejected him, in the same way he rejected me."

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