Chapter 4

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Lukes pov

I grabbed the blade. I was so done. I didnt need to think anymore. There was no reason NOT to die, not if it made my siblings lives better. Before last night I thought that maybe, for even just a second, theyd miss me, regret me dying. But they will be throwing a party tommorow, seeing that I wont be messing up their lives now. I cant blame them.

I put some music on my phone-it was Jacks cracked up nokia which he gave me a few years ago;the first present id ever recieved.

I grabbed a pen and a scrap of paper. my hand was shaking. What do u write in a suicidal note? I finally put down two words.

Im sorry.

I am. Im sorry that I was a failure, that I was never good enough. I hope that they will all be happier after Im dead. I know that they will be.

I put the note on my bedside tabe and prepared myself for the first cut....

Ashtons pov

I need to speak to Luke. I need to tell him I wont be hurting him anymore. I cant tell Mikey or Cal yet-I have to do it at the right time or else I'll risk exclusion from the gang.

I took the bus because I remember the way to his house from the bus stop. Once I get there I walk round the back of the house and find Lukes window. I know its his because through it I see his black hoodie hanging of his bed. His carpet is crimson red. I grab a rock and throw it cliche style at his window. Too bad its only 3:00. He doesnt respond. Maybe hes out? I walk to the front of his house and hope someone but his dad opens the door. I bet hes the one who does it-hurts him I mean. I guess he'd be a really buff guy with an angry red face. I swear this guy Iv never met looks like a cartoon.

The boy who opens the door is blonde like Luke but looks abit older. He smiles at me and says "Your that kid Mattie Laurence tutors right?"


"No shit man. Hes a class A nerd and douchebag. what are you here for?"

"Ummm.... actually I was wondering if I could speak to Luke?"

"I didnt know he had freinds."

"Im not. We're umm working on a project at school...."

God Ashton that was such a lame excuse.

"You can try," Jack shrugged. "But he locked the door to his room and he hasnt come out for like,2 days"

"Ummm ok. I guess I'll try then"

Jack let me in and gave me directions to Lukes room. I didnt mention that I had just walked round the back and found his room because that would make me sound like some kind of stalker.

"Ummmm hey Luke" I said lamely with my hands shoved deep into my pockets. What to say? I finally stutter

"This is Ashton. I know you hate me, but I need to talk to you. I promise i wont hurt you. Just please let me speak to you." I clear my throat nervously. Theres no reply. Theres not a single sound coming from behind that door. I gently push the door handle round and to my suprise it turns. I peer around the doorframe and scream.

Because the carpet wasnt red- it was soaked in blood.

Jacks pov

I heard someone screaming, probably Ashton since Luke never makes much more sound than a whimper. I rush upstairs expecting to see a spider or something on the walls of Lukes room.

I freeze.

Luke is lying motionless in a pool of blood. There are long gashes over his pale wrists. The air smells metallic and I hate it. Theres so much blood and its all Lukes.

I rush over to him, tears in my eyes. Im the reason behind this. I told Luke to kill himself, hell i didnt even mean it! And now hes bleeding away, his life soaking into the carpet.

I grab his hoodie off his bed and thats when I see the note.

Im sorry.

No, no, no. Luke Robert Hemmings you cannot die. I scream and cry and overall lose it. I dont even care that Ashton is watching me.

Ashton. Hes still here. Hes calling an ambulance. Maybe they can save Luke. Maybe he'll live.

I press the hoodie to his open wounds, trying to slow the bleeding, trying to save my younger brother. His pulse is faint, his breathing is rapid and shallow. But its still there. Its not too late. Hes still alive.

Hey there! I know this is rubbish and im sorry. Please comment what you think! Sorry for the typos!!!

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