Chapter 12

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Not sure how much of chapter 11 got published so I'm gonna rewrite some of it.

Lukes pov

Jack runs away, leaving me with an angry dad and no escape. Its like being locked in a cage with a hungry lion. He pushes me hard into the wall. My head contacts and im dizzy. I feel my knees buckling, and my eyes closing, but i force them open- I cant afford to lose conscicous now. I see yet dont feel his fists pounding into me. Suddently i feel a sharp burning pain on my collar bone. I look down to see him holding a lighter to my skin. I hiss in pain. He throws the lighter behind him and grips his fingers around my throat, choking me. I'm gasping, my face turning blue as I desperately struggle for oxygen. His hold doesn't relent and I begin to feel myself slipping away. My struggles return with new vigour as I fight for my life. Suddentley he loosens his fingers as he yelps in pain. I gasp for air. I turn to see what hurt him-and my fear returns with new strength.
The lighter he threw away has set the whole hallway carpet alight. Flames run down the whole length of the corridor, and block any exits. The smoke curls up and chokes me with invisible hands so that I'm a coughing heap on the floor. Through the daze I vaguely hear the sound of some alarm, an added instrument to this mad fiasco that is taking place. My legs are buckling, my head pounds painfully. My back pressed against the wall, my knees pulled up to my chest. Somewhere there are shouts, but they hardly register in my mind.
I feel myself falling through an unknown pit of darkness.

Jacks pov

I hear the sirens before I see the smoke. The whole house is in flames. Nosy neighbours watch from a safe distance and firemen attempt to calm the flames with their hoses. The scream that leaves my mouth is inhuman. I gasp as I see the place I grew up in burning to the ground. I see father standing close by, laughing manically which immediately fills me with panic. Who caused the fire? And where is Luke?
I rush up to one of the firemen asking if they have checked inside the premises for anyone. He replied no because father had told him it was empty. I begin tugging at my hair in frustration and begin shouting at the fireman who quickly identifies the fear in my face and realises I'm telling the truth. He shouts something to someone else, who begins to battle through the flames in his burn proof clothing. All the time I am panicking and hyperventilating. This is all my fault. Why did I leave Luke? I went to the police station but it was closed for lunch hours. I should've known he'd do something like this!
The man returns carrying a limp body. I shout in relief and rush over. Luke doesn't seem to be majorly burnt, but he is fully unconscious. The man turns to me with a serious expression on his face.
"There's a reason we were told by yer dad that no one was inside,wasn't there?" He says. I nod. I mutter"it's a long story," and then gently lift Luke out of his arms and into mine. He weighs next to nothing and is so pale, it's unreal. There are newly formed bruises all over him. Then I notice the burn marks on his neck that spell out the word worthless. My breath constricts in my throat as tears leak from my eyes. This is the cruelty my own father will inflict upon my little brother. Luke's constant pain has brought him to the edges of sanity. What do I do to pull him back? I place him, lying down in the backseat of my car. Calling the hospital I let them know I'm arriving-again. All I hope for is that he will be ok.
I know the burns will make even more scars. I know he will look down at them every day and be reminded what his father described him as. The word will be burned into his brain, as well as his collar bone. Poor Luke can never truly escape his nightmares, because they have left fingerprints all over him. He is tainted. I pull into the hospital car park and hastily remove Luke from the car.
Once he is registered safely and in a room, I allow myself to breathe. I see a woman who has a pixie cut and is very tall walk up to me.
"Your the boy who's brother was in the burning house, right?" She asks.
"Yes" I reply, shortly.
"I'm Desiree, pleased to meet you. I'm a lawyer." She says pleasantly.
"Jack, and what do you want?" I say rudely. I didn't mean to sound so hard.
"Well, I think it's high time you take your brothers case to court. Your father should be in prison for what he did, you know." She answers.
"You expect me to put my own father in jail?!" I exclaim angrily.
"Of course! Until then there's not much you can do to save your brother. You've got proof now, haven't you? You could land him with a few years sentence if your brother can testify."
"And what if it goes wrong?" I retort. "What then? It'll be worse then,won't it?"
"There's no chance of your brother losing if he testifies."
She walks away, heels clicking on the lament floor.

I walk into Luke's hospital room, sucking in my breath. He has bandages wrapped around his head and he is still unconscious. I drag over a plastic chair, sit down and contemplate everything that Desiree said. She's right, dad does deserve jail and with the evidence from Ashton, the fireman and the hospital, there's a good chance of him winning. But I don't think Luke could ever do that-stand in front of everyone and condemn his own father to a prison sentence. I hate him more that anyone, but he's my dad. But how would I keep him away from Luke otherwise? To be honest, it was the only option. Before I can change my mind, I've dialled the police station number.

"Officer Patricia, how can I help?" a sweet voice says into my ear.
"I want to take my father to court for child abuse." I say confidently.
"The abuse was directed towards you,sir?" She asks me.
"No, my brother, Luke" I reply
"Can I speak with him? I need some evidence from the accuser." She asks.
"He's currently unconscious, because of my dad" I say.
"Luke..." I hear her mutter under her breath. "Do you mean Luke hemmings, from 23rd Willow Avenue?"
"Yes but how do you know?" I question.
"It's been passed around. Am I correct in saying that he was the boy who was left inside the flaming building?"
"Yes, my father told the firemen that the house was empty." I say, grimacing over the memory.
"I think this might be a serious case that land your father in prison for a few years," she says"which hospital are you in? I think we could do some questioning."
"Water field hospital, Melbourne." I reply and then hang up.

Shortly a short, plump woman arrives with a clipboard.
"You must be Jack Hemmings. Pleased to meet you," she shakes my hand and sits down. "Let's start with some simple questions...."
At which point the man who I despise walks in. My father.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in forever! Plz comment!

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