Chapter 1: The Birth of Miwa

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"Greetings, Yoshi," said a man named F/N, who was the leader of the Lotus Clan.

F/N L/N was at the door of Hamato Yoshi's place and next to him was his wife, M/N. She was holding their baby daughter, Y/N L/N, who would be the future leader of the Lotus Clan if her father decided to entire or if he dies. But sadly, she would never become the leader of her clan...

"Greetings, F/N. Come in," Yoshi said as he stepped aside with a smile.

The Lotus Clan members stepped inside and Yoshi closed the sliding door, consider it since it was Japan. Yoshi led his friends towards their bedroom where his wife, Tang Shen, was together with their newborn daughter, Hamato Miwa, the future leader of the Hamato Clan. Tang Shen was a beautiful woman with black hair. She was laying in bed with baby Miwa on her chest, sleeping peacefully. Y/N was only a month older than Miwa, which meant that she was the oldest.

Tang Shen smiled once she saw her friends with her husband. Yoshi offered to hold Y/N as F/N and M/N went to see Miwa. M/N smiled and handed her daughter to Yoshi, who held her carefully. He smiled once he saw Y/N opening her eyes to and they were beautiful E/C. He noticed that the child looked half like her dad and half like her mother. Most kids looked like one of their parents but it's very rare when you see a kid looking exactly like its parents as if they were siblings! Check that on YouTube. Baby Y/N smiled giggled while Yoshi chuckled. He let Y/N grab his finger and hold it. The Hamato leader looked quickly at his wife and saw that she was talking in a soft tone to Y/N's parents with a smile since Miwa was sleeping but she should wake up soon from her long nap. Yoshi looked back to Y/N and he couldn't help but look at her hair. They were fluffy H/C like F/N/M/N. He'll definitely remember Y/N's hair and eye color. He wanted to see who Miwa will look like the most. Will she look like the Hamato Clan leader or his beautiful mother? From what he noticed, Miwa had black hair like her mother.

"Your child is beautiful, Shen," M/N said with a happy soft smile while F/N smiled.

Tang Shen smiled. "Thank you, M/N. Y/N is beautiful as well." She and Y/N's parents looked at Yoshi, who was smiling baby Y/N that was holding his finger, causing them to let out awe.

"Hey, Yoshi? What's your child called?" F/N asked in curiosity. That caused his wife to look at Yoshi as well while Miwa slept peacefully on Tang Shen's chest. Shen was looking at others while softly stroking her daughter's head. When Shen was in labor, Y/N's parents were waiting outside while Yoshi was inside to support his wife. After all, labor was very difficult and painful. It can take hours! Also, when Y/N's parents were inside to meet the baby, they were very happy for them. Let's just say that during Shen's pregnancy, she and Yoshi never thought of names to what to call their child. When it was revealed that will be a girl, they were still trying to find a suitable name for her. Y/N's parents understood since they had also trouble finding a good name for their child.

"Her name is Miwa. Hamato Miwa."

Y/N's parents smiled and told them that it was beautiful. Miwa meant beautiful harmony. Shen meant spirit while Yoshi meant righteous. Each name had a meaning behind it. Y/N's name had also a special behind it: it was (special meaning). Beautiful, right?

"Was Saki here? I haven't seen him for a while," F/N asked while feeling a bit uneasy. Even though he was friends with Saki as well, the band became very bad. He did watch how he and Yoshi competed who would win Tang Shen's heart. Yoshi won and became her lover. Saki became very jealous and angry that he went off. Not only that, but he also found out that he was the son of the Foot Clan leader. That's when Saki disappeared. No one knew where. Saki wasn't here to meet Yoshi's daughter nor Y/N's. However, all of them had no idea that Saki met the baby girls by hiding and taking a glance. it was creepy... Like he was planning something very bad in the future. While they hoped that it wouldn't happen, it will sadly happen in the future...

Yoshi became quiet before answering. "... no, I haven't seen Saki at all. I tried to look for him but he mysteriously disappeared."

Tang Shen looked worried while M/N noticed it and sat on the bed next to her. She grabbed Shen's hand to rubs it. "I can't help but be scared. Is Saki planning something horrible for the girls?"

F/N became uneasy when he heard what Shen asked. He hoped that Saki wasn't planning something horrible. if he did something horrible to anyone he dearly loved and cared for, he would never forgive Saki for this, especially if he dares to hurt the girls. "I... I don't know. Our kids are very important. They're the future leaders. Not only that but there's our lovelies, our families. We would be devasted if the girls died."


After the uncomfortable talk about Saki, they quickly moved on to something else. Yes, they were still secretly worried that Saki was planning something. They weren't sure because they had no idea where he went or heard from others that he appeared. Could he possibly be back at the Foot Clan territory? Did he betray them? They talked quickly about the good stuff and it seemed to work to distract. But still, they're worried about the baby girls.

At the end of the day, Y/N's parents went home with their daughter. They tucked their daughter in and wished her goodnight with a kiss on her forehead. Yoshi and Shen did that too to their Miwa, who was sleeping between them. Y/N's crib was in Y/N's parents' room. They decided to allow her daughter to sleep in their bedroom for a couple of years until she'll reach the age of 5. if she reached that age, they'll teach her to sleep in her own room step by step. A lot of kids were scared to sleep alone in their bedrooms but they had to learn. Miwa would also need to learn that in a couple of years.

While the families peacefully slept, they had no idea that Oroku Saki himself was planning something very brutal and horrible... Horrible that it would end Y/N's parents and Tang Shen's lives. 

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