Chapter 6: Master Splinter

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Y/N groaned as she began to wake up and gain her sight back. It was blurry when she began to wake up but she got her vision fastback. She was met with a dark high ceiling of a lab that belonged to the purple turtle, which Y/N guessed that he's named Donatello. Y/N began to panic. She didn't feel in a familiar place. She sat up immediately and realized that it was a big lab and she was laying on the table. She needed to get out and report to Shredder what had happened. She carefully got off the table but she realized that she was only in her jogging pants and tank top. She blushed bright red. Someone undressed her off the ninja clothes and her mask was gone! She wanted to scream. Now she was identified by how she looked but wait, they don't know her name. She needed to find her mask immediately. She winched as she began to move. She looked down at her leg and realized that it was bandaged, which she was thankful for in secret. But she didn't dare to tell to anyone. For some reason, she had difficulties saying 'hello', 'thank you', and especially 'sorry'. She didn't know why. She just did. Her heart was full of darkness and closure...

Y/N limped toward her the open garage and peeked to check if anyone was there. There was no one. Good. Oh, I forgot to mention that Y/N had scars all over her body and that's why she's more insecure because of it. She wanted nothing but to hide them. Y/N heard footsteps coming and couldn't help but panic and immediately limp away, trying to escape the grasp of the turtles. Y/N shut her mouth to not let out any noise of pain because it will attract the attention of the turtles.

"Hey! She is escaping!" One of the turtles yelled.

Y/N panicked even more and limped even faster, clutching her teeth in pain. But she wasn't that far. She heard running and didn't look behind her who it was. She then felt a smooth touch of dark green arms around her stomach and Y/N gasped. She didn't expect it. It was just... too much for her. She immediately squealed and wiggled, trying to get free and even kicking. "Let me go!"

"We can't let you go, miss," Leonardo responded calmly as he hauled Y/N over his shoulder and walked back towards the lair.

Y/N kicked and even screamed, catching the attention of the other turtles that gathered around inside the lair. Y/N growled as she gave up, which gave Leonardo a surprised look. She gave up quite quickly, perhaps like his brother Raph, the hotheaded one, and also caused Y/N's wound on her leg.

When Y/N met Raph's green eyes, she growled. "I will kill you later."

Raph only rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. Leonardo set Y/N down very gently back on her bare feet. The floor felt nice and cold, probably perfect to be here for the summer and spring. Y/N glared at Leonardo before asking angrily: "Why am I here?!"

"Because I told them to, child," a new voice responded smoothly.

Y/N and the turtles turned around to face a giant rat dressed in red with his hands behind his back. He looked like to be a ninja master and he was in fact. Y/N couldn't believe her eyes. Was this... Hamato Yoshi? Her parents' killer? "Are you... Hamato Yoshi?"

The rat stroked his beard. "Indeed I am, child. I am known as Master Splinter."

Y/N then felt a red aura taking her over because of rage. She finally was face to face with the murderer of her parents. She growled and the turtles watched the whole scene in shock. But then Y/N's rage disappeared. "Huh?" Something wasn't right. He didn't look like to be a killer by the looks of it. He looked rather calm and collected. Y/N gulped and seemed nervous. She avoided eye contact and Splinter walked up to her. He could feel her spirit as a broken one and he felt a soft touch in his heart. The child is broken. He placed his hand on her shoulder, causing Y/N to flinch and look up to meet his eyes. The turtles couldn't believe it. "My child. Leonardo informed me that you fight like a Lotus Clan warrior. Is that true?"


"What is your name?"

"Y/N Oroku."

The turtles gasped and Leonardo's eyes went wide. She was Shredder's daughter? They caught his daughter! She was a huge danger to the Hamato family. Raph looked like he was gonna attack her any second now if it wasn't for Donatello and the orange turtle holding him back. Splinter became angry and shouted at Raph. "Raphael Hamato! Calm down!"

"B-But, sensei! She's Shredder's daughter!"

Splinter gave out a sigh and looked towards Y/N, meeting her eyes. The turtles finally found the girl he missed for many years. Y/N L/N, the daughter of the Lotus Clan leader, her father, and a warrior, her mother. Splinter was like best friends with the Lotus Clan family, in fact, the whole Hamato Clan was friends and allies with the Lotus Clan. But Shredder brainwashed Y/N. He needed to tell the girl the truth so she could know the story. Not the false one.

Y/N was nervous. It was not because he was a rat-like Casey Jones was scared of rats but because he seemed stern and something told her that his aura was very strong. Not only that but something told her as well that he is not the murderer of her parents. How? How was it possible? Shredder told her, didn't he? But sometimes, you can get a strange feeling that something wasn't right. Was Shredder lying the entire time?

"My child, come with me," Splinter said as he led Y/N into the dojo with his hands behind his back.

Meanwhile, the turtles, they couldn't believe still that Y/N was the daughter of Shredder. Well, they think so but Splinter knows the truth. He luckily had copies of the certificates because Y/N's father asked him to keep them for safety if the original one gets destroyed. Raphael or Raph still wanted to get to you because you're a huge danger to his family but he didn't understand why Splinter wanted you here, in the lair, their hideout.

"Dudes, what do you think about Y/N?" The orange turtle asked.

Everyone looked at each other and wasn't sure what to say. Raph wanted to get you out for sure, Donatello wasn't sure but was asking about the scar on your face and Leonardo... He thought that you were different. He saw you saving his brothers and April at school. You definitely have a good heart. But he sensed like Splinter a broken soul as well. He had a mission and that was to change you, to be open again. 

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