Chapter 7: The Truth

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Splinter led Y/N into the dojo and once they did, Y/N couldn't believe the beauty she saw, especially the tree that was in the place. It was beautiful since it was themed in Japanese. Y/N walked deeper with Splinter leading the way. He went towards the sliding door of his room and gave Y/N a sign to stay there where she was. Y/N did as told. The turtles didn't dare to eavesdrop since Splinter was a master ninja but they couldn't help but know what was going on, Leonardo especially. He began to find her pretty, even though she had a scar. Her H/L H/C hair was shining through the light and her eyes were like beautiful E/C. But when he saw her eyes due to their first embarrassing encounter, they were dead instead of full of life. Leonardo felt sad in his heart. She was a broken kunoichi that needed to be saved. She needed love, even though she was pretty closed off.

Y/N looked around and noticed a picture on a standard. It was a picture frame. There was a man, a woman, and a baby girl in the picture. Was this... Splinter in the picture with his family? 

"I see you noticed me and my family, my child," Splinter's voice was suddenly heard.

Y/N flinched and immediately turned around to face Splinter. There he was standing with paper certificates in his hand. He was standing a couple of feet away from her but he was surprised when Y/N bowed in respect to him, causing the turtles to drop their jaws. Y/N noticed papers in Splinter's hand and looked confused at him. Splinter only walked up to her and gave the papers to her. Y/N looked at the papers and realized that they were the certificates. As Y/N read further, then she couldn't believe it. One was her birth certificate and there it was, the names of herself and her parents. There was even a symbol of the Lotus Clan in the background. Y/N continued to read further and began to shake. She was shaking in anger and tears built up in her eyes. It was the truth she was looking for. Shredder is the true killer of her parents. All this time, she was been living a lie. Splinter, the rat in front of her, was a family friend of hers, her uncle figure. 

She looked into Splinter's eyes and slowly but surely walked up to him and hugged him, tears rolling down but she didn't dare to sob since she knew that the turtles were watching. Their jaws drop again at the sight. Splinter was surprised but gently hugged her back, smiling warmly down at her. He understood that she didn't want to make sad noises because his sons would hear them. 

Y/N pulled away gently and nodded softly and said: "Thank you, Splinter."

Splinter smiled at her warmly again and Y/N couldn't help but feel... love, as a family. Shredder showed tough love and like abused Y/N hard by fighting her as training and even leaving scars. It was like abuse physically and even mentally. But she had to make sure of something. "Am I... truly the Lotus Clan warrior?"

"Yes, my child."

Y/N looked back at the papers for a moment before looking back at Splinter. She gave back the papers to him and he took it greatly. Y/N sighed and watched Splinter walk away to his room before coming back to Y/N's side. Y/N processed in her head good that Shredder lied to her. She needed to kill him. But what about Karai? She was not her sister because the certificate was telling her that Karai was not her biological sister. So, Shredder adopted Y/N when she was small? So did happen to Karai. Shredder did tell the truth that he adopted Y/N because Y/N's parents wanted to but not by the Oroku Saki himself. How will she face the Foot Clan family now like soldiers, Karai, and especially the Shredder? She needed to get out of her apartment and live somewhere else. They can't track her down. 


"My sons, we must talk," Splinter began while sitting on his knees. He was ready to tell his sons the truth that Y/N was not an enemy. 

Y/N was sitting on the couch, not daring to hear what was going on. She knew it was all about her. She felt cold. Doesn't the lair have a heater or something? I mean, there was a TV and a video game console here that belonged probably to the orange turtle, known as Michelangelo. splinter took his time to introduce Y/N to the turtles and thank the shell that she finally did. She already knew Leonardo and Raphael but Donatello, and Michelangelo were new to her. She still looked around while waiting for the chat to be over. She was nervous. What will the turtles think of her? 

Just then, she heard noises and saw the turtles coming out of the dojo. She hid her nervousness as she stood up. Splinter must've probably stayed in the dojo and told the truth about Y/N. In her blood, she is a Lotus Clan warrior, not a Foot Clan warrior. In her heart, she knew w that she wanted to bring Lotus Clan alive. She wanted to be one. No wait, she is one and wanted to bring the clan back to life. But how? Splinter explained that the Shredder killed the entire Lotus Clan except for Y/N. That's a big mistake. She would kill him. 

Y/N got slightly nervous but she hid it when Leonardo walked up to her. But the blue clad-turtle could sense that she was nervous so he put on a soft expression. "Y/N, I will not hurt you. As you know, I'm Leonardo or Leo. Splinter trusts me to go get your stuff from your apartment and move in here in the lair. Is it ok to share a room with me?" 

Y/N couldn't help but feel at ease that Leo was a calm turtle. He was the leader as Y/N saw it through him. Y/N breathed softly and Leo took his time to calm her down by having patience with her. He knew the others, especially Raph, would like to have a hard time with Shredder's adopted daughter. Something spoke to Leo that she was different. She's a broken soul. He admired her strength of survival. 

Y/N made eye contact once she felt calm enough and nodded. "Yes, I'm ok with sharing a room with you, Leo."

"Are you ready to go?"

Y/N nodded and with that, the future couple went toward Y/N's apartment. 

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