Chapter 13: Parasitica and Mutation

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Get ready you all! 

Tell me definitely what you think of the mutation in the comments! Also, make sure to vote if Y/N should go with them or stay in NYC when the invasion happens since the voting has not been closed yet!


Y/N spent time with Leo ever since their fight and they became much closer a few days later after that. Yes, both of them needed time to open up to each other and feel trust, the most important part. Y/N felt that she can trust Leo and the turtle to kunoichi. Y/N felt like she was finally at home and Leo woke Y/N up. Not like from sleep but because of the fight. Fights could happen at any time but they can wake people up and realize things. Splinter was a wise rat and he would probably say those things.

Y/N was now on her way after she had to do something in her ruined apartment first. Leo decided to let her go first on one condition: she must join the mission. Y/N agreed and got the correct address sent through T-Phone by Leo. Her old phone got destroyed by literally her own adopted sister, Karai. So, she asked Donnie for a new phone and she got it, a cute phone in a form of a shell. Y/N was running on the roof, on her way to the correct address building until she heard some buzzing sound. She stopped in her tracks and looked around. Was it the Foot Clan that playing tricks again with Karai leading them? 

Y/N got mad quite quickly and took her short katana out. She looked around once more. "Come out, you buzz!" 

Y/N nearly dropped her katana in shock after a big mutated fly flew right in front of her. It was big! It was so ugly up close but what's worst was that it was a dazen. Dazen flies were blood-sucking creatures that drink blood just like the ugly mosquitos. Worst, you feel pain when a dazen bites you. Y/N looked mad. Kraang must've probably done experiments on insects but worst yet, the turtles dealt with a wasp and Leo has been stung. 

"Come at me, you ugly fly!" Y/N shouted and the fly began to attack her. She was in shock that the fly was stronger than her. The same goes for the wasp that attacked the turtles. Y/N tried her best to do her deadly attacks like a true kunoichi ninja but the fly seems to dodge her all. Crap, she has seen a master at many weapons but Shredder only gave her a katana. Why doesn't she ask Splinter for more? 

She was then knocked to the ground of the roof and Y/N quickly got up but when she did, she lost the dazen fly. Crap, where was the ugly mutant? She looked around but didn't hear the buzzing noises behind her and when she did, she looked behind her because of the shadow but she got bitten! "Ow!"

She looked at her arm and she realized she began bleeding. She looked hella mad like Raph pissed her off and she finally killed the fly by separating the head off with her katana. She panted and puts her katana away but looked quickly at her bitten arm.  Her eyes then went from normal to completely black with white pupils just like Golden Freddy has. She felt like she was(t in control anymore and grinned evilly. She heard a voice in her head again, as in a whispering sound all the time: 'Mutagen'.


She arrived at a random Kraang laboratory where she was quickly hiding from the genius robots. they were so weak. Y/N was like above where she can get the mutagen. She must touch it, make contact with it. But then, Y/N's eyes returned back to normal and she looked at her hands. "What am I doing here in Kraang's lab?" 

She then felt a massive headache, causing her to growl and hold her head with her both hands. She then shut her eyes tight and re-opened them, revealing them to be out of control again. She crawled like a ninja until she reached mutagen. She carefully looked around and realized that was a dove and a bat. They were nearly falling into the mutagen. Y/N blinked and was back to normal for a while so she quickly grabbed both of them and started petting them. They both purred and leaned into her touch. She smiled and quickly threw them carefully in the air towards the open window. They both flew right into the open outside of the building. Y/N forgot that there was a trap behind her. Her eyes went black again and she backed away, without facing what was behind her. She then lost her balance, causing her to scream and FELL right into the mutagen. 

The Kraang stopped what they were doing, looking right at the big container of mutagen, and noticed that there was a teenage girl in there.

Y/N felt pain everywhere in her body. It was so intense! She screamed in the mutagen as she felt something out of her back. She quickly swam out of the mutagen and got out, landing on the hard floor. She grunted and the mutagen finally fell out of her. The Kraang got a closer look and pointed their guns at Y/N. She grunted and shakenly got up. She felt... not herself. She felt more powerful, angrier. She screamed it out and jumped high in the air and slammed down into the Kraang, killing them all as the ugly brain creatures came out and ran like crazy away from Y/N. 

Just as Y/N panted, she felt something in her stomach. She quickly vomited and it turned out to be the ugly parasite that she got from the fight after the bite. She coughed a few times until she felt better. She finally took a look at herself through a broken mirror she caused during the fight. She was still the same, but she looked much paler, and her eyes were instead of E/C, they were gold/red. She also saw... wings?! They were pure fluffy and they were white/black. Was she an angel or a vampire? She opened her mouth and her teeth were still the same, nothing sharp at all. She closed her mouth and then looked at her hands. They were normal looking like her feet but they were hella strong and she didn't know it yet. She was petrified of how she looked. How will the others react? She must find something to hide. Now.

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