Chapter 9: Rescued

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Y/N sighed shakenly as she sat in the cold cell of Shredder's liar together with Leo. At least she's not alone. She had her eyes closed as she was snuggled against the plastron of Leo. The turtle immediately felt a soft spot in her because she has a good heart and he wanted to cure her, cure her spirit. Leo was keeping her warm by having her in his arms. He felt a connection like they were meant to be together. Y/N stopped shaking when he took her in his dark green arms and now perhaps she was warm. 

It's been a while ever since Y/N and Leo had been locked here in the cell and for a while, no one entered the jail to take either of them. What was going on? It was all too quiet while the future couple kept each other warm in this dark cell. 

Y/N's sensitivity was finally gone and she enjoyed the warmth she was getting from Leo. He was way nice enough to give her warmth after she was shivering, even though she was a kunoichi like Karai. Y/N began to fall asleep as she felt being tired. Y/N's head wasn't against the neck area of leo as she felt scared to do contact since she never fell in love before. Leo seemed to notice how Y/N looked tired so he smiled softly and touched Y/N's head, causing Y/N to blush. Y/N felt her head moved and pressed gently against his neck area. Y/N fliched but calmed down that Leo would never hurt her. Y/N didn't make eye contact, but felt that Leo was staring at her. Y/N sbreathed calmly and little as she closed her eyes and nearly smiled! But Leo wanted to see that. But he felt that that she nearly smiled. If he did, he would be proud of himself and Y/N especially for opening it. 

Y/N hummed and rested against Leo. A while later, with no interruptions, she fell asleep.


Y/N felt like she's being carried in someone's arms. She was in fact being carried. It was the same familiar dark green turtle, Leo. Y/N groaned as her head fell off his neck and Y/N woke up with a gasp. This caused the other turtles to look back and see what's going with the girl in Leo's arms. Leo looked back at Y/N while walking behind his brothers. Y/N looked around in a panic and Leo looked softly at her and tugged her closer to him more, cuaing Y/N to look at Leo, slightly panting in a panic. "Shhhh, it's ok. We are in the lair."

"R-Really?" Y/N stammered out, feeling surprised that she fell asleep during the escape.

Leo hummed with a soft smile and Y/N took a look around. Yes, Leo was right. They were in the lair. Y/N watched how the turtles went to do their things when Donnie mentioned for Leo to follow him with Y/N in his arms. Leo obeyed and followed his younger brother. 

"Both of you sit on the table. I need to examine you," Donnie told them while getting stuff out that luckily weren't creepy, just useful doctors stuff. 

Leo sat Y/N gently on the table before sitting on the table too next to her. Y/N stiffed at that but thank the shell that Leo didn't notice this time, too busy watching his young er brother walk yup to themp with stuff.

Donnei started to check the conditions of the future couple, especially Y/N's leg and Leo's body. Luckily, Y/N wasn't too rough and the stitches didn't open so Y/N was fine, even her body temperature and it was all thanks to Leo. Leo's body was fine. The cuts and bruises weren't too rough luckily as well so Donnei dismissed them quiet quickly out of lab, probably to work on his things.

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