Chapter 8: Turtlenapped Again

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Y/N and Leo ran all along together while being on the rooftops. It was New York, you'll see a lot of apartments instead of houses. Y/N didn't say a word but she could feel Leo staring at her and observing her while he was running after her. Leo didn't know the way to her apartment so he has to follow her. Y/N ran fast as she can toward her apartment. She didn't know why. Maybe she felt nervous around Leo yet again. Leo could sense it somehow and even Y/N didn't look back at him, he was looking at her softly. Maybe he can do something about her nervousness?

Y/N jumped and Leo did the same as they landed on the balcony outside of Y/N's apartment window. She looked at Leo and signaled him to be quiet. He nodded and stayed quiet like a true ninja. She took out her pocket knife and did her window open. She quietly slid her window open and got in. Leo followed and it was pitch black. Even though it's pitch black, Y/N was trained in order to sense things in the dark just like Leo. They get quiet in order to sense and to their horror, they did sense someone here but it was not one, two, or three... rather a leader with her soldiers.

The lights suddenly came on and the kunoichi and the turtle stopped in their tracks. There was Karai and the Foot Clan soldiers, all geared up. Y/N wasn't happy that the Foot Clan was in her room. Yes, they may have access because of being family and all but... Y/N was not happy at all anymore. Shredder lied to her but what about Karai? Y/N realized that Splinter's eyes were much like Karai's... Could it be that she's the true daughter of Hamato Yoshi?

Karai smirked upon seeing her (adopted) sister. "Well, sister, I didn't expect you to work together with the turtles from now on. Why betray our father?"

Karai was worried when Y/N suddenly disappeared. She and she were close, even though they would have bitch fights or even bicker. She was glad upon seeing her sister but she got a gut feeling that she would betray her. Looks like she's right.

Y/N looked angry. She didn't want to work for Shredder anymore or anytime soon. In fact, never. Thanks to Splinter, she already knows the truth. It's over between them, especially their relationship. "What are you doing here, Karai?"

Karai twirled with her knife before stopping and looking at her sister again. "Why I am here to take you to father, Y/N." She then looked toward someone behind us and nodded. Y/N's eyes went wide upon realization and so did Leo's when both of them turned around and were met with bags over their heads. They began to struggle until they were knocked out by the soldiers.


The last thing that Y/N remembered was that she was dragged and knocked out by the soldiers that Karai led. Her own sister commanded the soldiers to knock her out and Leo. Did Karai feel betrayed? Good. Maybe she'll find out the truth that Shredder killed Y/N's parents and not Hamato Yoshi. Y/N opened her eyes and realized that the bag was off and she was met with a dark ceiling of a cell inside Shredder's lair. She immediately sat up and looked around. She's indeed inside the cell/jail.

She looked around and realized that Leo was against the wall, covered in bruises and cuts. It looks like Shredder took action to make Hamato Yoshi and his other sons suffer. Y/N gasped. "Leo!" She quickly goes to him like Rapunzel did to Flynn Rider after he got stabbed and Y/N gently cupped his cheeks with her gloved hands. "Leo!"

Leo began to groan as he began to woke up and breathed normally. Good that Shredder didn't hit his chest area on his plastron but still. He felt someone cupping his cold cheeks and it felt nice. It was warm and soft but when he opened his sapphire eyes, he realized it was Y/N staring at him worriedly. He felt a soft spot in his heart. Had he been worrying her ever since she got first awake?

Y/N sighed in relief. "Thank the shells you're alright."

Leo coughed. "Are we in Shredder's lair?"

Y/N let go of his cheeks and the turtle admitted inside that he missed her warm touch. It showed that Y/N has a big heart inside and it's just needed to be fixed. "Yeah. Sadly we are."

Y/N sat on her knees by Leo's side when she started to shiver. It's chilly here and Y/N was in her tank top after all. Darn! If she only remembered to put on her ninja clothes. She perked up when Leo suddenly pulled her between his legs and wrapped his arms around her, pressing her fully against his plastron, trying to warm her up. Y/N blushed bright red as she was in Leo's arms but she snuggled carefully deeper into him and hummed. She quietly enjoyed it but she still felt sensitive. 

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