My Hero academia

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Me: ahhhhhh! (Me just fangirling)

The stars -Ink: are you ok!?

Me yup!! I'm excited!!!


Me:this au is guilty pleasure of mine...

Ink: whats the name!?

Me: My Hero Academia! It an au where aus are in the surface and have quirks aka magic, their a three types hero, civilians and villains!

Error:.. this au sounds so dumb yet so interesting...

Nightmare:so let me guess thos stars are the heros and where the villians?

Me: yup! Smart nootnoot!

Everyone but Nightmare began laughing there a** off

Nightmare: ugh! Just begin this torture!

Me: Alright because I'm undescive I'll definitely do more mha au reactions for y'all but for now I'll do one scene

Blue and Classic vs Dust

The audience read the title and some looked excited while others confused

Blue: wait so me and classic are gonna fight Dust?

Me: Yup!

Dust: I better win

The screen shows a wound on Blues arm

Dream: oh my goodness

Ink: is Blue ok!?

Classic: Blue is you're arm ok?

Blue:Yeah I'm fine, it's just a scrath

The screen than zooms to show a knife that edge had blood on it. It then zooms out to show Dust standing infront of them.

Dust: oh guess I sliced Blue, but isn't knives Killers job?

Killer: tryna steal my weapon huh?

Dust: no...

Classic: what kind of person slashes people out of nowhere?

The murder trio raised there hands along with Error

Dust: geez you two are super cute!


Horror: pffft!- hahahaha! Did Dust just call!-

Cross: he did!- hahahah!

The entire theater was filled with laughter except from Nightmare and Dust who just wanted to forgot what he just saw

Dust: Blue, and Classic

Dust points his knife in the direction Blue and Classic

Blue: How does he know who we are?

Classic: Maybe from the sports fest?

Ink: sports what now?

Me:its like a quirk Olympics where students fight using their quirks its extremely popular

Blue: that sounds super!

Nightmare: but how did Dust get their I thought he was a villain?

Me: he is but they broadcast the sports festival, and Dust found a way to get in

Nightmare: oh

Dust then grabs a weird toob thing along with his knife.

Dust: I'll get my full move on, who's first?

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