Hazbin Hotel (ep 6 scenes)

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Me:"This au is called Hazbin Hotel, where the villains are banished/exiled. But Dust has a plan to get them back to the main land."

Ink:"how did they even get banished tho?- I mean it's sick af, but how?"

Me: *shrugs*

Nightmare:"Great answer."

Me:"Oh shush. Anyway, this is a scene of Dust and Killer going to the mainland to plead their case,"

Killer:"I don't support."

Dust:"Me neither."

Horror:"Do I get food?-"

Me:"No, and to bad."

The Murder time trio:":( / >:("

The video starts with Dream holding a checklist*

Dream:”...But he was right, Core~
He showed me a soul can improve
He saw the light, Core~
Checked all the boxes that you said would Prove a person deserves a second chance. Now we turn our backs, no second glance?”

Dream:"Well...It might be hard, they could be lying or putting a show. You'd need more precautions before allowing them back."

Nightmare:"so your on their side?."

Dream:"No, I'm just looking through their perspective."

Core:”It's not as simple as you think.
Not everything is spelled in ink.”

Dream:"See, it's harder than it looks.."

Dust:”It's not fair. Core~”

Dust:"..I'm..singing..you know what. I'm not drunk enough for this."

Killer:”...Dust, please let's go."

Cross:"why does he wanna go? Their pleading their case-"

Me:"It'll show in the scene, and if you want, i could show his backstory after this song"

Lust:"That would be lovely darling,"

Dust:”No! Don't you care, Core?~
That just because someone has sinned, it doesn't, Mean they can't resolve to change their ways, Turn the page, escape this hell we face!.”

Core:”I'm sure you wish it could be so…But there's a lot that you don't know~”

Blue:”What are we even talkin' about?! Some crackhead who fucked up already?! He blew his shot. Like the hatred in his soul. This discussion is senseless and petty”

Blue:"Thats...pretty harsh."

Blue and Ink:”There's no question to be posed This unholy, case closed
Did you forget? That being bad is forever!”

Imk:”A Sans only needs to sins once., we'll see you in one month. Gotta say…I can't wait to…Go down and kill you off too!”

The stars:"!- WHAT?!"

Lust:"kill off..as in, they kill off villains?"

Horror:"..that's, just mean."

Nightmare:"Meh, you guys act like we don't almost die after every fight."

Dream:”!- Wait!”


Dream:”What are you both saying? Let me get this straight. You find villains and kill the poor souls?!”

Dust:”You didn't know..?”

Dream:"..Looks, like we're not the only ones surprised.."


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