Despair Brothers(My Book au)

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Me:"This au is if Nightmare and Dream turned into two human girls, known as Junko Enoshima, and Mukuro Ikusaba. Aka, the DESPAIR SISTERS!"

Dream:", why may I ask did we turn into two humans?"

Me:"Cause I wanted you to. JK, There was an error in the reincarnation process, so, instead you both got stuck in their now bodies."

Nightmare:"Is it temporary?"



Dust:"So. HUMAN?."

me:"Uh huh!"

Dust:"...Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw."

Horror:"That wouldn't be gentle at all-"


Horror:"Then why did you?-"

Killer:"Okay you both shut up."

Cross:"Yeah, please be quiet so we can see."

Me:"THATS THE SPIRIT! LETS GO! This is an alternative timeline where the girls also are in your bodies btw!"

Dream and Nightmare:"!- WAIT WHAT-"

Scene starts with Junkomare and MD, who Are in front of a building.

MD:” it too late to chicken out?.-”


JM:”Don't fuck with me today Dream. I'm getting my body back! And I don't care what it takes!.”

MD:”Fine, fine! Let's just…See..”

Blue:"Thats Dream? He seems...Unsteady"

Me:"Can't blame him after all the shit he went through."

They go inside and quickly see that it's empty.

MD:”...Hello? Helloooo..”

No one answers.


Lust:"Yeah, I must's very unsettling, maybe Dream was right about chickening out."


Suddenly a door opens

MD:”...Also Creepy.”

Lust:"Again, yeah. Creepy."

JM and MD go inside,

JM:”Hello? Anybody here?-”

It shows Junko and Mukuro in Nightmares and Dreams bodies. And Nm(Junko) eating chips

Nightmare:"So...there two fucking useless girls are in OUR BODIES. ONES IN MY BODY?!."

Me:"Oh and by the way, their teenagers."

Nightmare:"That makes it worse."

Dream:"Wait! If this all happened due to an error in reincarnation...That means...they died..But they were so young.."

Me:"They deserved it. Well I guess not really Mukuro, but Junko? Definitely."

Nightmare:"What'd she do? Steal a cookie."

Me:"...I'll explain another time."

JM:”!- OH SHI-”

Jm is startled and bumps into MD, making both of them fall.

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