Angry Blue

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Me: ok I'm gonna leave cause this boy is way to anger problems-

Killer: who?-

Me: Blue

Me: let's just say in this au, Blue is um... very anger prone-

Blue: So other me has a temper?

Error: sounds like it

Dust: this is probably gonna be dumb

Me: never know untill you watch it!

The screen shows Cross running up to Ink and Dust

Cross: you guys! You guys! Have any of you seen Blue?

Dust: no

Ink: why what's up with Blue?

Ink: ya what it up with him?

X-Chara: ya what did Cross do? Eat his taco?

Cross: he's trying to kill me!

Horror: isn't that over exaggerating?

Cross: ya I mean how scary can Blue be?

Dust: any reason?

Cross: well we where hanging out last night and he asked me to help him iron his bandana

Blue: oh!

Dream: guess that nice, but why would he be trying to kill Cross?

Cross: maybe I said no?- what to them?

Cross: make it look neater and nicer Sanses do that *gives a reason*

Dust and Ink:....

Everyone (they heard the reason btw):...

Error: could have gone my whole life without knowing that-

Cross: ugh!

Dust: so why is Blue trying to kill you?

Cross: well-

Blue: WHERE IS HE?!?!!!!!

Everyone was startled by the scream

Cross: ahhhhhhhh!

Cross runs in-between the two

The screen shows a furious Blue running

Blue: STOP HIM!!!

Dust:ok... looks like he might actually will kill Cross-

Blue: ah! I'm so sorry Cross if I kill you!!

Ink: oof-

Blue begins chasing Cross angrily whilebboth screaming, eventually Dream comes and manages to hold/control Blue, while Cross hides behind Ink and Dust

Dream: Thank god other me came!-

Lust:ok yeah but what the heck was that about?! Weren't they just Iron a bandana?-

Ink: what was that about?!

Dust: why you so mad at Cross?!

The screen the shows Blue Turing around facing them while holding a shriveled, burned up bandana in his hands


X-Chara: Cross you screwed up-

Blue: Don't. Say. A word!

It then fades to him at a table with the Ink, Dust, and Cross plus Dream eating

Ink: atleats they calmed him down-

Cross: yay so maybe other me won't die

Nightmare: He still looks pissed though I think it still looks pretty burned up!-

Blue gives him the stare

Dream quickly looks away and just continues eating

Dream: wow-

Blue: I'm so sorry!-

Cross:.. Blue I just wanna say- I really appreciate you having lunch with us

Ink: atleats he agreed!-

Cross: and thank you Ink and Dust for handcuffs Blue to the table

Ink: and I take it back

Ink and Dust: No problem

Blue tries to attack Cross but the handcuffs block him, Cross gets scared

Horror: remind me never to harm Blues bandanas-

Dust: agreed

Dream: I still don't get hwo this happened

Nightmare & Blue: same-

Cross: Blue asked me to help him iron his bandana, so I tried to iron it, but when I when I took it off the bandana, there was um... a problem

Nightmare: ya think?-

Blue:my bandana is gone!

Cross: not its not! I keep telling you! It's right here!

Cross pulls put a part of cloth that again is practically destroyed


X-Chara: Cross you idoit. How are you still alive?!

Cross shrugs

Blue: I understand why other me is upset but.. why does he gave to be.. so... angry?-

Me: This whole au is about you being anger prone

It shifts to Cross running into the mansion

Cross: ah! He's right behind me!

Cross hides behind Dust

Cross: please hide me! He's gonna kill me!

Nightmare: what?!- did you say someone was gonna- ah you guys figure it out yourselves -_-


Cross: you could pretend to care I'm about to get killed!

Nightmare: no

Ink: come on Cross just watch the door and that way Blue can't sneak up on you

Ink: that's smart!

Cross: ok I'll just watch the door

Cross faces to the door

Dream: ok everything gonna be ok-

Blue jumps through a window screaming

Dream: and I spoke to soon-

Dust: welp Cross is a goner

X-Chara: R.I.P the idoit

Cross : Chara!-

Cross starts screaming and gets up and runs but Blue catches up and stars beating him up, as the others try to stop it

Blue was hugging Cross repeatedly saying "I'm sorry!"

Dust: damn. Blue got some skills though.

Me: Alright that's the end cya guys later!

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