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Me: ok in this universe, your all influences and or youtubers, you guys make content for humans and monsters and have a pretty big following

Ink: whoa!

The murdere trio gagged at the thought of making content for humans

Nightmare: that seems dumb why would we do that?

I shrugged

Me: for fun I guess-

The murdere trio where legit dying as soon as they heard that

Me: uhhhh let's just start

Day 1

The screen shows an empty suitcase with Ink frantically packing stuff in it

It puts a tablet, plushies and his phone in their with a bunch of clothes


Ink: its Vidcon!

Ink: Vidcon?-... whats that?

Me: its a convention for youtubers/influencers!

The screen the shows Ink and Error in a car with backpacks a suitcases

Ink: where going to vidcon with you're boy!

Ink said pointing at Error, Error looked at him

Cross: that was just cringe

Error: Squid call me that again and you're dead!

Ink: can't be killed so~

Error: Ink!

Error: I'm killing off all the charaters you play in the next video

Ink: wait what?-

Error: that's what you get

Ink whined

Dream: heh I'm guess they working together

Me: yup they both run the channel

Error started questioning his life

The screen switches to them entering a cafe

Ink: we're at the cafe where supposed to meet Dust and Blue, then after that we're gonna to our hotel

Error nods

Blue: oooh! I'm gonna be there to!

Dust wanted to cry

Dream: so are well gonna make an appearance?

Me: probably

The screen shows Dust and Blue in the seats eating, Blue was on his phone while dust was eyeing his ticket

Dust: oh hey guys, you're finally here

Ink: yeah

Ink and Error sat down

Blue: cool! Hey Error? Did ya see the new movie?

Error: you mean (insert any name)

Blue nods

Both Blue and Error eyes beamed and they started talking about it

Blue: the most realistic part

Error: what!? No!-

Blue: Undernovla?


Error: alright you got me

Blue: 🤭

After a few minutes they left to go to their hotel and unpacked.

Day 2

Lust: wait we passed a day already!?

Nightmare: looks like it

Ink was infront of a camera with Dust

Ink: Alright the plan is to meet as many of you our fans as possible- Dust?

Ink turns to see Dust getting dragged away by someone

Dust: Damn we that famous?

Lust: obviously

Dust gets dragged infront of a crew with a lady monster

Monster:hey sorry for dragging you like that e just need this interview done

Dust:oh ok, though next time I'll appreciate an ask before taking me

Blue: oh they just wanted a interview

Killer: if that was our Dust he'd be curssing and fighting them

Dust: damn straight

Horror: when are you ever straight?


It then shows a bunch of them signing stuff and pictures, Blue and Lust, where walking to a panel when Lust gets blind sighted by someone

Lust: Picture?

Lust: yes! I'm in it!

Nightmare: hold up that person looks familiar?-

The person gives Lust a look a shows him his base which read, "Horror"

It was Horror

Horror: the fuck!?

Lust: agh! I feel dumb-

Dust: you are

Nightmare: knew he looked familiar

Lust face palms and hugs Horror

Lust: I'm sorry

Horror was with Ccinco and Killer

Nightmare: oh so Killer and coffee shop sans is there to?

Ink: he has a name-

Nightmare: Don't care

They go to said panel together where, after a few hours they went to grab some lunch and thats when they finally met the Dreamtale twins

Dream:hey where finally there!

Ink was fangirling

Dust: hey guys! Nice to metcha!

Dream eyes beamed

Dream: oh Dust!

Dream runs to hug Dust

Dust: agh! You hug like a bear-

Nightmare: Don't let his elbows lock you'll never get him off

Ink: facts never let Dreams elbows lock!

Dust looked intensely at Dream

Dust: touch me and I will kill you!...

Dream: 😰

The rest of vidcon went smoothly with everyone just having fun

Ink: welp i can say that was fun!-

Error & the murder trio: the hell it was not!!!!

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